Reviews for Grey Rights (Fairy Tail SIOC)
ujangkuskus chapter 4 . 7/12
I just dont understand where this story is going..
And more OC SI is a big nope
GoSage44 chapter 4 . 6/26
Wow, this is really good story :D I just realized that while fairy tail is weird... they don't have a typical trap character o.o Can't wait for Merlin to F*** with people by dressing up as a girl XD
zanex141 chapter 4 . 6/2
-_- welp if there is other isekai'd people other than him then "fuck this shit im out"
humn chapter 4 . 5/30
I'm still not clear about where this story is going.

Not to say that the character building has been useless though, that is what has kept me engaged.

The fight and the aftermath were quite confusing to read though, I will re-read that again.
JamiesonMiloChug chapter 1 . 5/30
I like the reaction to a new body.

Would be cool if he had a lasting aversion to mirrors
BlueCore chapter 4 . 5/25
The plot thickens, can't wait for the next chapter
Kevin J Rosario Cruz chapter 4 . 5/25
Well this got ruined. Seriously more oc insersts? Nope this was just bad sorry dude. But this story is heading in a bad direction really fast especialy if you are going to keep adding more inserts to this story and I want nothing to do with it. Again sorry but yeah it is what it is. My advise for you is to start anew choose another anime, or another character, dont make him a weakling, don't add more OC Self Inserts a good story only has one SI and thats supposed to be the MC.
BlueLancer chapter 3 . 5/5
Please dont tell me that it's gonna be a running theme in the show where the mc is severely underpowered yet will manage to win fights through unconventional means/tools etc.

Because what those stories seem to forget is the fact that you need supernatural reaction time and speed as well as power.
Which you need the common supernatural energy source for I e. Ki, magic, chakra etc.
King Gilgamesh chapter 3 . 3/27
Seems like doesn't care much for him, if I were the MC I'd just do my duty buy her food, clothes, her sword, take her to fairytail and piss off to another guild that's more peaceful or have his own adventure... he could create his own guild anything to change up the cliche fairytail fic
Lifelessman chapter 2 . 3/26
Good Work...! 2
Lifelessman chapter 1 . 3/26
Good Work...! 1
Ashborn2271 chapter 3 . 3/26
Look it’s not about revamp and all it’s more about consistency, if you revamp it it’s going to take months to come back to chp 10 by then no one will be interested unless you go for something entirely different it’s your choice to be honest. This fic is pretty good though but needs more updates seriously only 3 updates in 3 months. Good luck
Spartan3909 chapter 3 . 3/26
Thanks for the chapter _.
Gobert600 chapter 3 . 3/25
No no renew it continue
Crainium9 chapter 3 . 3/25
I’m very confused I have no idea what is happening in this chapter
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