Reviews for Embers of a Fallen Empire
Guest chapter 2 . 7/10
Very interesting, I hope you continue writing.
Siatru chapter 2 . 5/12
Agh. I hope this doesn't get abandoned
Guest chapter 2 . 2/5
Here's hoping the fic isn't another grain of sand that time has takes so carelessly. And here's hoping the story continues.
I imagine given that this is essentially a fallen empire with dark matter tech. Fabrication and resources gathering should be more "interesting".
While i could ask what will happen when "x" meets "y".
I could ask what will happen when the "conflict" of psi-ops with dark matter tech encounter a dragon.
I won't.

Instead I'll simply wonder if that rip the shroud made was sealed when they exited.
Be it from their end or from the view
Of certain...
"Unbidden" eyes.
Time will tell o suppose.
noname8 chapter 2 . 1/12
Oooh yes, i like where this is going. Can't wait for the next chapter.
ghost777 chapter 2 . 1/7
No doubt evil Saderans will attempt to conquer Auri've once they start a colony on Falmart and only to get erased by plasma guns, super awesome jedi like swords and brutal jedi mind tricks. Since this is about 100 years prior to Alnus Hill event I assume JSDF will exist, no doubt Auri've will be bit confused how humans survived, assuming they are the same group of humans wiped out by AI scourge. I hope you'll at least finish this story or "And the Meek shall inherit"
ghost777 chapter 1 . 1/7
I honestly didn't think you would make fanfic with Stellaris fox girls and Gate, when I joked on one of my review on "And the Meek shall inherit" Mass effect: thus Turians got erased by fox girls, other than that it's interesting way to the story as many other fanfics start with roman wannabes invading advanced civs and get pwned.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/4
Oh wow this is gonna SUCK for Rory when she finds out that the greatest warriors in their world are a bunch of fanatic pacifists that see any and all forms of bloodshed as a gravest of sins and see her and her patron god as deranged and/or depraved sadistic abominations that get of on inflicting suffering.
Dragonmaster150 chapter 2 . 1/4
A good start, I'm interested to see where this goes. One thing that makes me curious is who thought it would be a good idea to enter a new galaxy and not bring a construction ship. Those are kind of important. Just a stray thought, nothing really that important.

On a side note, Is there any news on you other story 'And the Meek Shall inherit'? Anywho, looking forwards to the next chapter.
S31tora chapter 2 . 1/4
so... what is going to happen with the meek shall inherit?
AmanoRyo chapter 2 . 1/4
I like where this is going... When will Ahri appear?