Reviews for Dragon Souls (Rewritten)
Jazminee18 chapter 4 . 4/15
She woke up! Yay! Thanks for the update!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/14
Great chapter
MillennialStargazer chapter 4 . 4/14
Keep up the great work !
FireShifter chapter 4 . 4/13
Poor Lucy! That's sweet of Natsu to get Lucy something! I just hope Lisanna won't be hurt too bad... I can't wait to see the two of them interact!

Love your story! Keep up the awesome work and stay healthy and safe as well.
Meow Orbit chapter 4 . 4/13
I feel like I’ve asked this before and if so, you do not have to answer cause then I’ll know to go search for the answer but do you have an updating schedule? Also I feel like I’ve been rude in some past comments so I wanted to apologize. Sorry, it’s your story and you get to do whatever you would like with it and as a reader I need to either accept it or move on. Ps the chapter was really good and I can’t wait for the next one!
valerioux chapter 4 . 4/13
I enjoyed this chapter and hopefully next ch we get Natsu and Lucy interacting :)
Anna5949 chapter 4 . 4/12
I’m glad you’re back, can’t wait for the next update and I hope your doing well during this pandemic
valerioux chapter 3 . 1/22
Finally got to reading this and can’t say I remember the first chapters exactly from before but I do feel like there’s more now . And I’m enjoying it again :) and will be waiting for when you update
MissVarta chapter 3 . 1/21
Omg they finally meet! So excited for this!
alleycat1138 chapter 3 . 1/20
Only 3 chapters done so far and already there’s so much more lore and backstory. I love this rewrite so far and I can’t wait to see how you do the rest of it!
MillennialStargazer chapter 3 . 1/19
Loving this!
Forbidden-Hanyou chapter 3 . 1/17
I knew it was Lucy! Can't wait to see how the others react to her and if she gets motion sick too!
19vanelkc chapter 3 . 1/17
FireShifter chapter 3 . 1/17
Yay! Natsu find Lucy! Poor girl. Please keep on writing! ;-)
Anna5949 chapter 3 . 1/17
I am happy we are seeing more into their past and how they interact. My only question is where happy is. Is he getting hatched later or is he in the guild already
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