Reviews for Homura Hotel
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22
Is this a nod to Homura Tamura?
Astronomiae chapter 4 . 7/8
This fic is adorable. Love it. One can never have too many Homuras.
JustARandomGirl chapter 4 . 7/6
What happened? How do Tamura and Boomura know each other!?
angeldude chapter 3 . 5/10
There are not enough fics with Tamura. I love how she just goes along with everything and nothing surprises her. It's great. It looks like the story is recent enough to not be abandoned, so I look forward to seeing which Homura is next. I would prefer to use canon Homuras over OCs, but the selection isn't very impressive outside of Tamura. The main options would probably be the MagiReco and MagiRepo Homuras, along with Homucifer. I guess the one from Homura's Revenge could count, but she might be too similar to vanilla Homura.

Loved the callback to the warp button on the back of the shield, along with Tamura's cooking skills from that one time flow.
diddletheskittle chapter 3 . 4/7
Welp, poor Madoka, she gonna get gangb-

What? I mean, now she's going to take care of more Homuras.

Also, is the next Homura Homucifer now? Imagine everyone's faces *snickers*
Guest chapter 3 . 1/17
This good more please
James Birdsong chapter 2 . 1/10
Cool two chapters
Guest chapter 2 . 1/7
I love it . Can’t wait for the next chapter
RawrtheYurilover1 chapter 1 . 1/8
I LOVE THE FACT THAT ITS ABOUT HOMURA AND HER HOMURA's(I know this makes no sense but bruh). I've read like two fics about Homura and Moemura being in a fic, but sadly they aren't finished, so I'm happy your writing this. If you don't finish(which I really hope you do finish writing this fic fully cause) and decide to stop, I'm just glad you wrote about this type of concept with Homura's.