Reviews for The Will of the Force
Asumodeus chapter 3 . 8/25
Cal seems pretty toned down compared to the game. Why only single blade lightsaber? What about the double blade and dual wield?
Asumodeus chapter 2 . 8/25
Aura is the manifestation of the soul. Are you saying that Jedi do not have souls or that gingers do not have souls?
Everpeach chapter 3 . 6/11
I really like this and for my two cents, I think it should be kinda a balance between characters and lore. I think one of the things you should emphasize is the fact that Cal is literally the only person here besides Ozpin who has been in an active warzone before, during the Clone Wars. Combine that with the ordeal of Order 66 and everything he went through before he was frozen in carbonite and you have a character who would be much wiser and more knowledgeable about the world than the characters of RWBY, he could also act as a mentor or mediator for them due to his Jedi background and experiences.

The one thing I have a problem about with this story is why the FUCK is no one asking him about his past? I mean he was literally frozen for 1000 years at least and no one is asking him anything about how he got into that situation or who the hell he is. I don't usually mind asspulls when reading a fanfic because sometimes it really is necessary but it just doesn't make sense for people to question him about these things. But overall I do like the concept and I am looking forward to the next chapter.
ipodboii chapter 3 . 5/26
plz update your story its the best.
artem-abramov-2004 chapter 3 . 5/26
Cal x Pyrrha Love
CrowSkull chapter 3 . 3/11
You seem to be doing quite well, I do like where you are going, sorry I couldn't review when you posted the chapter but hey, I guess I'm doing it now.

Just as a side note, not sure if you knew but Cal's Force Slow does have a lore name... Or legends name if you decide to not call it Force Slow, which is Force Stasis, yeah a very simple name, but for terminologies sake it could be useful.

As for your questions:

1: My personal opinion is that pairings should be the result of the connections and the interactions that characters make, Cal is gonna be naturally be more fond of some people more than others and in different ways.

Basically put the pairing on hold, see how your Cal progresses and when the time is right decide on the matter, and with who or why.

2: Same as before, do interactions when the time is right, you could take the chance to just experiment and focus on uncommon characters alongside the main cast... But in a way the main cast is special so do include them too, make what feels natural.

3: If I'm honest, I would say action lol, but in all seriousness Cal has a unique advantage with his Psychometry. He can just interact with the world and learn more about it, and a way to interact with the world is trough people. If he speaks with people/ hangs out in different places with them, he can learn of Remnant from them and it can expand his chances of using that ability. Two birds one stone.

Basically he has the tools just so you can in a way focus on both lore and interactions,... Interactive Lore!

Well yeah, that's my input, I'm really waiting to see how it goes, and if you need I do have a couple of videos that I know of where you can get an idea of a Cal going 100% in combat, it could give inspiration. I'm always available if you want them.

Other than that, good job, good day and... Well other well wishes :)
Dune Arksmith chapter 3 . 3/9
Isn't this guy supposed to just be a padawan? since when can he "time stop"? and since when can a padawan do precog?
Dune Arksmith chapter 2 . 3/9
I also would heavily disagree with the statement of "nowhere close to space travel" Remnantarian technology is way more advanced than the technology of today's earth, and we can go to space, so why can't they?
It's like your stating remnant is in the Early industrial era or something.
Dune Arksmith chapter 1 . 3/9
Not bad so far, way less cliche than most RWBY/StarWars stories and pretty good.

My only criticisms in the first chapter you used the word telepathy instead of telekinesis mistakenly one time, and. why is the holocron "Useless" exactly? it can be used anywhere, and you clearly stated in the chapter that it still had power.
K-Rock 1315 chapter 1 . 3/1
An interesting story, I like it so far, though, please bring back BD-1 somehow. Like have him powered off in a facility or something, just let Cal have best boy back. Also, will we have scenes where Call uses both light saber blades or splits them up? Anyway looking forward to reading more.
K-Rock 1315 chapter 2 . 3/1
just a note, Cal broke his lightsaber on Dathomir not Degobah
K-Rock 1315 chapter 3 . 3/1
1) I'm ambivalent towards a pairing. Though I did imagine Cal being somewhere in his early twenties (being around 15 during order 66 and the game taking place 5 years after that) so if there is romance, definitely not ruby. Maybe Weiss.
2) I'd like the interactions to be more focused with JNPR, I feel like Cal could have a lot of good scenes with them, specifically him helping Jaune (not just with combat but with growing as a person)
3) I think character driven mostly but with a good helping of lore every once in a while (Cal's special ability should make it a bit easier to fit it in)
1jesus chapter 3 . 3/1
Pair Cal with Winter
Mirrors Cracked And Broken chapter 3 . 3/1
this mf
Sm0keyPanda chapter 3 . 2/29
If there is a pairing, I reckon Blake would be the best fit. Not too annoying or loud, profound sense of justice, even has experience in keeping secrets to help keeping Cal's.
Just my opinion.

The interactions are up to you. It IS your story. However, don't overwhelm yourself trying to do character development for every character, it's not needed for all of them.

As for the third question... Bit o' both. That's usually the better option.
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