Reviews for Afterlife
anon chapter 6 . 8/10
update pls
The Felt chapter 6 . 7/18
I really like what you've done here! The interaction between Eresh and Olga is fluffy (in the very best way), you're doing some interesting things with the storyline, and it seems like there's plenty of potential to come. I hope to see more of this!
TalonScythe chapter 6 . 6/24
Well this is something I didn’t expect to see but I’m glad I did because this is a premise I’m all for getting behind.

Stories like this are why I’m glad fanfiction exists because they can explore “what if” scenarios in a creative way. For example you have Ereshkigal (best goddess btw) from the future being summoned from the beginning in singularity F is an intriguing concept for me, because it explores how servant contracts can go beyond the linear form of time from our perspective.

Then you have Olga (who really is underappreciated) getting the chance for her character to be explored by being Eresh’s partner. Combined with the changes you’re doing to the singularities to make the early ones more interesting, and you’ve got the recipe for in my opinion to be a very great time!

Another thing I enjoy in these stories is the fact that servants actually make a difference in these fics, unlike in the game where you can’t really do that so that’s another thing that I’m looking forward to.

Everything is looking pretty solid so far, looking forward to more.
Ace of Spies chapter 6 . 6/20
God I’m loving this.

I was ecstatic when I saw you updated and I loved this chapter equally.

Ereshkigal is a personal favorite, super underrated character. I find it horribly ironic that she’s completely overlooked for Ishtar even in the fandom.

Everyone worships Ishtar. Everyone overlooks Ereshkigal. Sounds familiar. Terribly ironic.

Really excited for the future of the is story.

Especially because it’s Orleans. Ruler is one of my favorite characters in all of Fate (I know it’s easy to say ”blahblahblah is one of my favs” in this fandom, but she’s actually my second favorite servant of all time), and I was pretty disappointed in Orleans doing very little with her character.

I was also really disappointed in Jeanne-Alter’s origins to be frank, I sort of wanted it to tie more in with Jeanne herself rather than a wish, but I get it.

I never saw her as this perfect golden flawless saint that everyone seems to think she is. Especially in Fate/Apocrypha, I find her especially interesting.

It’s never really established or even touched on, instead really hidden in the subtext, but it’s definitely there. It was only afterwards when talking to other people i realized most people didn’t share my interpretation of Ruler. Just didn’t see it.

I... don’t know where I was going with this. ADHD I guess. In Orleans we get a very different Jeanne from what I was used too, and so far I’m loving what you’re doing with her just from this small interaction.

She seems afraid confused, no Ruler powers either... not what we’re used to and I’m excited to see what you do with it.

Really looking forward to the future
Rinto chapter 6 . 6/19
This is quite interesting. I am intrigued.
King of Fans chapter 6 . 6/18
Good character

I am starting to think it wasn’t entirely the environment that prevented plants life from growing in the underworld.

I love Ereshkigal’s first appearance in the singularity.

OK those monsters explain why there weren’t too many spirits wandering that exact location despite them being plentiful.

Lastly Nice idea with exploring Joan d’Arc incomplete ruler status during the arc. That could be a pretty interesting avenue to explore.
MorgothII chapter 6 . 6/18
This is a heeat story so far, and I cannot wait to see how it continues to go
Quatermass chapter 5 . 6/18
I'll be honest, I wasn't sure if this story would do it for me. But Ereshkigal saving Olga-Marie, well, really, I'm glad you thought of that idea. Olga-Marie's potential was wasted, events in the fifth Lostbelt aside, so...
Zaralann chapter 6 . 6/18
This was amazing...
Guest chapter 4 . 6/17
This is good shit.
Olga and Eresh interactions are the best part and seeing the little changes you've made instead of singularity rehashes has been fun.
Hope Olga's role doesn't diminish cuz she's just a spirit
Naruto Sakura Uzumaki chapter 6 . 6/17
This is really different from both FGO and even how Jeanne doesn't even know she is a Servant. This is very interesting! I'm glad that you finally got the first chapter of the 2nd arc out! I can't wait for the next chapter! Keep up the great work!
Blades of Fury chapter 6 . 6/17
Does no one that Olga is still chilling around?
ObsidianUnknown66 chapter 6 . 6/17
Nice to see this story back on really enjoy Eresh and her interactions, the part at the start with the plant was adorable. I wonder if Olga has begun to catch on to Eresh romantic feelings to Ritsuka yet? Speaking of that will she start showing stronger signs of her feelings towards him in this arc?

Anyway can't wait for the next chapter.
Thanos Cradik chapter 6 . 6/17
First, someone give Jeanne a hug.

MirageSPL chapter 5 . 6/11
I hope you update soon. I adore this story very much.
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