Reviews for Letter From A Concerned Friend Part 2
beeblegirl chapter 47 . 23m
Is Treville’s rescue party getting any nearer to Athos’ group, and what is the smoke on the horizon?
Debbie chapter 47 . 8h
It's so like Aramis to give others hope and then, when no one is looking, praying madly for whomever is hurt, to recover so as not to make a liar out of him. Then again, that is always part of his charm. As for Athos, he needs to be kept busy otherwise he'll fall totally apart with worry over the Gascon.
Issai chapter 47 . 13h
Was the village attack?!
Glad that Glenn and Frederick are still alive. And Etienne too! Thank you so much for your mercy!
I loved Treville's and Gaspard's talk. They are both wise and mindful men.
WelshEssex chapter 46 . 7/22
More binge reading for me even though I was determined to keep up to date! Still in my defence I have been away on holiday. So glad Issac and Favier sorted the second red guard, although now they have two prisoners. Wonder what the musketeers will make of Marin. The news about Etienne is still very worrying but Gaspard is working hard. Poor Aramis is having a tough time, good to see Porthos looking out for him the best he can. It will be interesting to see if Athos ever lets d’Artagnan out of his sight again, although understandable as d’Artagnan is still in a precarious state, mind you Athos might have to stop frightening the villagers that they need help from.
Issai chapter 46 . 7/22
Please, let Etienne live!
I liked that Porthos understood Ben's distress.
I hope dArtagnan will live
Debbie chapter 46 . 7/21
I love protective papa Athos when Jean was glaring at the sick boy like d'Art had the plague. LOL!
Nice to see Etienne still hanging in there as well.
It will be nice eventually when Treville discovers that d'Art is actually alive. Considering the captain used to be a good friend to the boy's father (which a lot of fan fic seems to leave out but me (snickers), I hope he surprises our young Gascon and hugs him to death... well not to death considering all that's happened. Ha!
beeblegirl chapter 46 . 7/20
Athos shouting “I KNOW” at Aramis made me smile - it’s exactly what I shouted at my boss once, I don’t know which of us was more surprised! Oh please don’t let Etienne die.
pallysAramisRios chapter 46 . 7/20
Oh noo things dont sound good for the pup.. Athos is hanging on a string of emotions if somethimg happens to him Athos may go off the deep end
pallysAramisRios chapter 45 . 7/17
I hope Aramis's dosent make things worse by pushing himself .. Athos has got to be ready to collasp(sp) .. Hopefully the folks will help them and not hinder them as they aid their imjured
Debbie chapter 45 . 7/17
Porthos bullying Aramis, well that's nothing new. LOL!
D'Art not much better... that too is nothing new.
Finding a safe haven for them to rest and hopefully medicine to help... well that is a bit of good news.
beeblegirl chapter 45 . 7/17
At least they are slowly travelling forward, and hopefully some of the herbs they require can be found around this village. Athos needs to keep strong for them too, guilt can do terrible harm to a person, even when it’s unfounded.
Issai chapter 45 . 7/17
Some hope for our Musketeers?
I loved the cincersation between Aramis and Porthos. So a selfless soul our Aramis!
Issai chapter 44 . 7/17
Marin is a poor guy.. but I hope he'll finish a Musketeer!
Debbie chapter 44 . 7/15
Things don't look so great for our sick, young Gascon. Looking for herbs in an area that's not likely to have much, if any, well it will take a lot of luck.
Etienne's fate is up in the air, huh? Well I'm sure you'll decide what's best for him.
beeblegirl chapter 44 . 7/14
I know Treville is proud of his men, I would be too. Musketeers really are an elite band of brothers.
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