Reviews for Jump Chain Gothic 14 - Smallville
AnthonyR89 chapter 13 . 4/18
As for companions,the obvious choice is Tessa Mercer. Aka Lutessa Luthor.
AnthonyR89 chapter 12 . 4/18
Why bother with a nobody like Mannheim instead of say, Morgan Edge? He's much more powerful on Smallville.
AnthonyR89 chapter 10 . 4/18
I could never force myself to sit through AVP 2. And the hunting preserve was a stupid fucking concept that completely went against the previously established lore.
thomassmith69 chapter 13 . 4/11
Ugh I read these with text to audio. And every time I here Chole it annoys the hell out of me. Please correct it to Chloe even if it’s just from here on out.

It get than that nice jump.
Ruberforumfree chapter 11 . 3/1
I can't wait for the "Corruption of champions" jump xD
Alan chapter 13 . 2/22
Chloe Sullivan would make a wonderful companion as far as being a hacker I was gonna suggest someone from the game Watchdogs I don't know if you played or if there is a jump for that but still cool and you are so right about the Emotional Tampon thing lol
Alan chapter 12 . 2/20
I also forgot you gave Samantha the Canary Cry
Alan chapter 12 . 2/16
Its a shame Aeryn Sun won't be joining up no doubt she was taken before she bonded with Moya crew so she still thinks like a soldier and would be fun to see Gothic become a crime lord at least for a bit
Carthienes chapter 13 . 2/17
Nice move with the villains. I can't help but wonder if one of your companions could come up with a way to stabilise them. It's probably easier to add their powers to a new (or old) companion - Chloe, perhaps?

On the other hand, with so many companions you can afford to be picky. No point in taking someone just to sleep with, with all the girls in the omniverse to choose from. Your biggest problem is going to be keeping the cast at a controllable size - Good luck!
Shiv Kumar chapter 11 . 1/21
I like it but can you do gothic with teen Wolf, vampire diaries, supernatural, original etc. I really like these kind of fics it's just that most of the SI or x-overs are either with female MC or with slash. Kind of hard to find some decent fics with supernatural background. If you write these kind of fics I will really appreciate that. By the way keep doing it I really like your work but you should try something new.
Alan chapter 11 . 1/18
Good chapter
Carthienes chapter 11 . 1/20
Thank you for showing us the Fulgerite, it should certainly prove an asset in the long run and one of the better ways to acquire those particular powers (Jump Chan willing). That said, be careful? The Warp used to be peaceful in 40K universe as well, before enough Psykers became stressed enough to throw it into Chaos...

Although, having Emperor based Psyker powers should help guard you against the common perils. Daemons don't like his holy touch.

Have Fun, and Write Well!
D72 chapter 11 . 1/18
So WinRAR up the zoo and drop them on an opposite gender planet, easy solution.
War Sage chapter 11 . 1/18
While a good chapter I wish the story focused more on smallville then just traveling to other dc worlds but still good.
D72 chapter 10 . 1/11
Huh, Cam does get to play with a predator. And has to use Jump acquired tech to win... that's really interesting.

I also find it interesting, most of the time G-man is in control of the situation, and this kind of blindsided him, making this less a safe sandbox, and Clark someone more to protect. I also like that Jonathan Kent doesn't get redshirted here, that would have been pathetically easy.

And you didn't take the easy card. Good stuff.
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