Reviews for Rika and her Mom
Guest chapter 10 . 8/2
Good chapter. I see at the end of the chapter Rika and her mom are going into the master bathroom. For the next chapter could you maybe have Rika and her mom take a relaxing and romantic bubble bath together? It’s just something different than just showering together. Thank you!
Guest chapter 10 . 7/31
Good chapter. Since it did say at the end of this chapter that they were heading to the master bathroom. Can you maybe make the next chapter all about Rika and her mom taking a romantic bubble bath together instead of just showering? It’s just something different. Thanks!
Paladin9800 chapter 10 . 7/29
I think give it a few more chapters before she is freed to explore other tastes, such as light S&M play, Foot play, maybe another male character or returning male can join them, or even get Renamon involved with them for a bit to see how she reacts to the magic wand and to rika and Rumiko as well.
T.J. Wilson chapter 9 . 7/19
I feel like it should be where Rika gets a wake up call (whether it be her original personality or another friend) reminding her she’s not a prissy slut. She’s the Digimon Queen!

But, maybe she wakes up and plays along and then tricks her mom while they’re...intimate together
ChaosOmega98 chapter 10 . 7/20
I would want her to slowly break out of her mother’s control as that would be more interesting
timokahlenberg chapter 9 . 7/3
i would like Rika free but some things carried over like loving sex now
Harem Lover 26 chapter 9 . 6/27
Good to see the action with Ryo. Also what are you about Rika staying hypnotized? You have been asking everyone for a while if Rika should stay under her mothers control or break free, which side are you leaning towards.
Harem Lover 26 chapter 8 . 5/8
great to see Ryo here. Cant wait til Rika bangs him. hope to see Jeri too.
David chapter 7 . 4/2
I was wondering if the yoga class was going to be a nude one.
megabluex chapter 6 . 3/8
thestutz chapter 6 . 3/4
I love chapter 6 it was great. Keep up the great work.
FreeRika chapter 6 . 3/1
When I started read this chapter I thought Takato's cum will bring back the real Rika :( Poor little girl, she's an slave
Harem Lover 26 chapter 6 . 3/2
Nice chapter. I hope to she Rika with Jeri too.
DHM chapter 5 . 2/17
Only Takato, please and, after that she should be free of the spell. Maybe later she can clarify the question with Takato and get mad at her mom and then fix everything.
TrimusicaDrag00n90 chapter 5 . 2/13
Rika get free from the spell but Takato has sex with her first
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