Reviews for Sumia and Robin: Hitting the Books
Mob Mentality chapter 1 . 7/11
Nice. Robin/Sumia fics are rare as shit. I kind of liked the take on Sumia being a little bit bitchier than normally depicted while still seeming in character.
ClearlyInvsible chapter 14 . 3/29
You made the right call ending it like this. A confession, or even one of'em asking the other out on a date, would've felt too forced. Instead of a romance fic, we got a friendship fic. But I can't complain because I liked reading it.

Looking forward to the sequel, whenever it comes.
Propeller chapter 10 . 1/25
Lmao I can just feel their saltiness through the screen. See you next chapter.
Propeller chapter 8 . 1/4
Don't worry about it. You shouldn't burn yourself out like that. If you try and over-exert yourself, that'll be bad. Also, TBH I really wonder why this isn't as popular as it should be. I can't really find any glaring faults.
Broken Sofa chapter 7 . 12/31/2019
Ardri says he worships grima but he actually worships elliot rodgers

We must pray to the god mumkey for aid
Propeller chapter 1 . 12/24/2019
Nice, a pretty well written story. And a Sumia/Robin story as well. Quite an interesting dynamic they have. Can't wait for the next chapter.
ClearlyInvsible chapter 2 . 12/25/2019
A Romia fic that doesn't have her act like a bumbler and doesn't have Robin act like a Saint.

Alright, you have my attention.
SleepyGuy17 chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
very very very entertaining haha I'm looking forward to more!
severak chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
Fire emblem needs more Buddy Cop Romcoms. This should be interesting.