Reviews for Chasing Clarity
Slaying Salty chapter 1 . 7/13
A really good story.

What RWBY really lacks is characterization for many of their supporting cast, with Nora and Ren being a really bad example. After Volume 4, which wasn't all that great, RWBY has basically delegated them to 'Those two guys', and the only thing we can expect from them now is them getting together. I wished it had been more cathartic, but both of them went without any kind of character development for two whole volumes which just makes their kiss feel both mildly forced and expected.

But you really gave the both of them real, actual character. Thank you.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/17
Honestly I think Nora is way more mature than she lets on. She went through hell and back before she met anyone for that matter and she knows how to be serious. I honestly think Ren is somewhat in the wrong here with not being clear and open with Nora for YEARS. She's been dropping hints for years and he never rejected those advances until now. That's really misleading and I get where Nora is coming from
Y05H1UR4 K4ZUY4 chapter 5 . 4/29
A friend of mine (with an account here) plans on saving this story of yours to their favourites - they say it makes for a great reference if they ever plan on writing stories that focus on characterisation, especially in regards to 'free love' and/or 'friends with benefits'. Otherwise, this story is still a great read in itself.

RWBY has lost its appeal to me following the volumes that came after the third one, and even more from the fifth to seventh volumes - in its early stages, it's done surprisingly well as 'shōnen'. But as 'seinen'... I think not so much. Monty Oum's untimely death didn't help matters either, since his stellar fight scenes could still give detractors a reason to see the series to its conclusion.

I'm grateful for fan fiction stories such as yours - they're like a balm to the soul.

P.S: If Harriet wasn't wearing her white shorts, then I'm guessing a lot of people would want to know how she would look in 'assless chaps'...
Y05H1UR4 K4ZUY4 chapter 4 . 4/29
Wow... never in my entire history of reading online stories would I ever find such a good lemon/sex scene to read. I've heard of "brevity is the soul of wit" and given the situational context of this story, I believe that this is a perfect example of it.

And for bonus points, it features Harriet Bree and fan service - score for dem booty and hips! (CSLucaris' workout illustration of her cranks it up a notch...)
Guest chapter 5 . 4/3
This is so incredibly well written and teaches such an important lesson on emotional maturity and how the factors that play into it affect people’s relationships. You truly showcase your talent as a writer in terms of fully understanding your characters bravo! Even as someone who ships Renora, I have to say I truly appreciate this story. I especially appreciate that you took the time to cover both sides of the story and showcase Nora’s growth rather than leaving her on a one-dimensional, villainized note. In her journey to reach out and forge deeper connections with others, it might even have been nice to foreshadow a deepening of her friendships with Jaune, Oscar, team RWBY, or even reflect in Pyrrha. It’s definitely different from my own personal interpretation of Nora as a character as I’ve always thought her to be far more emotionally intelligent than she is shown to be here but this is definitely perspective that’s interesting to see.
SP chapter 5 . 3/31
I can say with so much confidence, that this was one of the most pleasurable reads of mine to be. Your depth in psych and relationships is unbelievably beautiful, your depictions are wonderful.

The plot works incredibly well with the characters and how they've interacted, everyone seems very in character and the word choice and layout of this work is lovely, refreshing. I appreciate how you've taken the time to write each character with meaning and purpose, leaving no one to be that shallowlly written one for the sake of making a scene fill up.

Lastly, I just appreciate the concept in general! Everything I wanted and more, really. Honestly, this is exactly how I would truly see Ren handling his and Nora's... now canon relationship. I feel like their personalities just don't coincide smoothly enough to be more than childhood best friends. Nora's been pushing for their spark of romance from the beginning of RWBY, and it's most likely my depiction, but I feel Ren's just wanted it to stay platonic, not engaging in her antics until that kiss scene, V7. While it's not my cup of tea, I definitely accept what's happened in canon, though I very much enjoy how you've played the situation for us!

I'll definitely check out your other works, I'm very glad I found you!
envesyl chapter 5 . 3/4
This was an amazing story and beautiful exploration into these different characters that isn't often seen. The ending felt good and wrapped everything nicely but I wouldn't be upset to see more.
Nobodytobeme chapter 5 . 2/13
it quite literally broke my heart seeing Ren do that...
Krionik chapter 5 . 2/10
Absolutely excellent.
Constipated Genius chapter 5 . 12/30/2019
Well, that's a nice way to put the ending of this fic. Rather than setting anything in stone or explicitly mentioning the meaning behind the fic, everyone can walk away happy with their own interpretations of what'll happen over time in the CC timeline. That said, I will say that my idea is horrifically cliche. I imagine that eventually Nora and Ren become more content alone after more-or-less being mere friendly confidants while they spend most of their time away from one another. Nora gets to hang out with Neon and figure out who she is deep down, Ren gets to practice feeling emotion by perhaps sponging a little from Marrow and learns to interpret his own, and the outside world of the RWBY timeline itself will teach them both a thing or two about everything else. At the end of the day and perhaps a few months, or years (post-Salem at that point), perhaps Ren and Nora would end up back together. Distance making the heart grow stronger, alongside the whole self-contentment angle both of the pair would've developed over that time could very well make them more compatible than they were prior to CC itself.

At least, that's my thinking, anyway.
~Constipated Genius~
crystalinings chapter 5 . 12/29/2019
Loved this!
Guest chapter 2 . 12/28/2019
I gotta say, in terms of this fight I’m 100% behind Nora here, ren seems suspiciously ready to “just follow orders” and I give it a month before he’s gone full totalitarian
17konbro chapter 4 . 12/28/2019
This. This is good. I like this story. It's a pretty grounded and well written story of Ren & Nora's relationship. There's nothing much to say about it, other than the larger paragraphs.

Split those up a bit more, especially towards the beginning. They're fine, but they can be a bit scary to new readers.
Constipated Genius chapter 4 . 12/26/2019
Not an uber-long chapter, so no uber-long review from me. The lemon in this chapter was perhaps as classy and imply-not-even-show-or-tell I have ever read, and it was handled rather gracefully, which I can appreciate. Sure, the very utilitarian view Harriet has on lemon-y activity is very unique, but it is one I can imagine has merit in the real world. Though I still wonder how Ren and Nora’s potential reconciliation will go, I’m going to go into it optimistic that if they don’t accept the chance of becoming something more in the future, they’ll both be content as friends/family.

Oh and the implication that Ren would eventually become Ace Ops? Interesting, but at the same time I don’t want to see him become a military stooge to the likes of Clover and Ironwood.

~Constipated Genius~
Constipated Genius chapter 3 . 12/25/2019
Well this chapter was fun. The tampon joke was funny but then quickly made me worry that Neon was ALSO being villainized - and then Neon surprises me again by outright admitting that she is, in fact, that very thing. She also surprised me in that she actually gave some good advice - and in the absence of people that could support Nora such as one dead Hoplite on Team JNPR, I feel like Neon was a good fit for the scene. Goodness knows RWBY has their own shit going on right now, wherever they are.

As for Ren and Marrow? ‘Twas another sweet scene. Until the part came where Marrow’s past as a sexual object for guys and gals alike came along and I just wanted to hug the poor frickin’ guy. Nevertheless, I’m interested to see where the fic goes in regard to Ren and Harriet’s next chat, but more importantly...

I wonder what will happen to Renora. Will they remain friends? Will Ren and Harriet become something instead? With the way the wind seems to be blowing, I just hope that Ren and Nora stay friends and stay open to their relationship merely having the possibly of progressing down the line.

Looking forward to Ren and Nora’s confrontation;
~Constipated Genius~
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