Reviews for Fury
Anthiese chapter 8 . 6/19
I have no words. This was so well-written and truly amazing.
scifigrrl chapter 8 . 5/21
Wow. This was so, so great - better than the third and fourth films. This will be what I consider the final chapter, the ending the series deserved. Thank you!
Zancrow chapter 8 . 5/17
And a good ending, what we all wanted to see. Very good. I can't help but feel it was a tiny bit rushed at the end, would have loved to have read all that stuff Hicks did, and little Newt and Bishop alone on the escape pod, instead of getting a quick summary, but it works for a short story. Thank you for taking the time and effort in writing this.

As a fellow Aliens fan who wishes to write more about the franchise, I will always give props to those writers who dare to challenge the status quo and share alternate takes on the franchise that seems to have lost its way.

Thank you for the fine literature, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors. :)
Zancrow chapter 7 . 5/17
I can just picture the conflicting feeling both Ripley and Hicks have to be feeling in this last scene. Good work.
Zancrow chapter 6 . 5/17
Ripley's worst fear becoming a reality is always something I disliked and liked in equal parts. It's poetic, in a way, for her end, at least in canon, to be by chestbuster (or, you know, chestbuster plus molten hot metal a la Terminator 2), but also, I feel it underplays all her struggles. Everything she fought for in all three movie means naught, as even the one victory she got in the films (not allowing Weyland access to the creature) is still undone by Resurrection and even more so if David had a hand in their creation.

Still, I like how you've shown her struggle here thus far. Reminds me of the scene in Prometheus, which I actually like just fine.
Zancrow chapter 5 . 5/17
"They take you away."

Such a chilling line I would have loved to hear from Carrie Henn herself. Good job.
Zancrow chapter 4 . 5/17
As someone who has refused his entire life to watch Alien3, I don't know much of the movie. What little I do know, I know that Clemens is one of the better received characters, I think? But damn, Clemens dies first? Shame, he was the only one I was actually caring for, even if slightly.
Zancrow chapter 3 . 5/17
Ah, no! Bishop, don't die, you can be fixed! Because I don't care about the human Bishop, the guy sucks, and most other androids suck too. Well, except for maybe Call and Walter, but they are from way worse movies so they don't count.
Zancrow chapter 2 . 5/17
Hicks is such a badass. Also, something that is shown much, but you do here, is the rather cute relationship he has with not just Ripley, but with Newt too. It's adorable. Also, you have their respective dialogue very properly done, as each character seems to have an unique voice which mirrors the film(s).
Zancrow chapter 1 . 5/17
I will never understand the creative decisions that led to the "kill-them-all" approach Alien3 took. It would have been so much greater to see something like this, the little family we had grown to care for and root for during Aliens all fight and struggle together. But, thanks to writers like you, I can at least read about a much better alternate route of our favorite characters.

Thank you for taking the time to write this. As a fellow Aliens fan, it means a lot.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9
This is so much better then the plot line the movie had. I hope you update soon.
Aescape chapter 3 . 3/30
I like the interaction with Ripley and Hicks. This should have been how the movie took the franchise.
Aescape chapter 2 . 3/30
Nice set up to continue hicks and newt in story.
anybody-out-there chapter 3 . 1/14
I really enjoy this. Like the set up for the story here, looking forward to read the rest :)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
Nice work! Really love the relationship between these two and how Newt fits into the mix, and I think you captured that really well! I hope there will be more! :)