Reviews for The Third Side
Ninjettey chapter 4 . 8/10
My favorite triad
burungmalam chapter 4 . 8/6
Yay! Thank you for updating! I was getting a little frustrated with Draco last chapter, and I still maybe am slightly, but I'm glad he's no longer insisting on his way out of pride and possessiveness.
viola1701e chapter 4 . 8/6
So how will they get Theo out of his dreamscape?
HonestlyBre chapter 4 . 8/6
Absolutely wonderful chapter! I really cant wait for the next one!
beccasullivanwrites1 chapter 4 . 8/5
So happy to see this update, and a wonderful chapter! Thanks!
Wolfling72 chapter 3 . 7/24
I read the first story and then waited, so patiently for this one...and then FORGOT aout it even after I saved Two Sides to my faves. You write so beautifully, with just the right emotional resonance and depth. Please update when you can. Theo/Draco/Hermione are my very fave triad and you've got such a brilliant background and story for them.
HonestlyBre chapter 3 . 7/11
I have read this and the story before this in two days. I am beyond thrilled as I have devoured chapter after chapter. stay safe during the pandemic!
Ninjettey chapter 3 . 6/9
When it comes to triads, Draco, Theo and Hermoine is my favorite.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/4
Omg so good, cannot wait to see what happens. Love a good triad between these three! Hoping you are safe and healthy! Please post soon (:
SweetDash chapter 3 . 4/21
I cannot wait for more!
viola1701e chapter 3 . 3/29
Draco really never learned to share ;)
But he is beginning to understand what is really going on
burungmalam chapter 3 . 3/28
I had been hoping Draco would be a little more ok with the idea, and maybe even want it himself... I'm a little scared that if he agrees, it will only be out of obligation, not true acceptance.
LongingforSweetness chapter 2 . 3/11
Can't wait for this to continue!
13Olivia96 chapter 2 . 2/28
Omg omg omg the third ring please continue, I need to know what's going to happen, was this the green antler man's plan from the beginning how are things going to turn out for Hermione Draco and Theo.
beccasullivanwrites1 chapter 2 . 2/15
Excited to see where you take it!
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