Reviews for Zim the Slime
Continue please chapter 1 . 4/7
Please continue
DragonKingDragneel25 chapter 1 . 4/1
This is good! There's too few reincarnated as a slime fics and this is the fic that got me into Invader Zim.

If I may suggest a thing: maybe make Zim's 'soulmate' (for the butterflies in the night scene while in Dwargon) be Gaz or maybe even Milim. Gaz would be interesting since he knows he can't return to her or do something where she comes to him and beats him up for dying, that would be hilarious.

Milim it would be interesting because Milim and Zim have very similar personalities and having the two go head to head would be funny.

But hey, it's your fic! I'm sure whatever you do, it will be amazing!
thorison1080 chapter 1 . 2/27
Please more! This looks hilarious
godzillafan1 chapter 1 . 1/19
hmm sounds like an interesting story hope there will be more chapters coming up pretty soon.
geddiep91 chapter 1 . 1/17
This looks like it will be a blast you should have him summon Gaz or something be funny as all get out if he ended up making the country just to improve technology to appease her for taking her away from her game
ptl chapter 1 . 1/10
I bet Zim is going to be an even greater and funnier conquering Overlord than Ainz, and that’s saying something.
I’d love to see everyone’s reaction to Zim and viceversa.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5
i agree with amoral philosepher
Amoral Philosopher chapter 1 . 1/4
This is a nice setup for the story. I am really excited to read a slime fic written by you. I have yet to find a decently written slime fic, but you have a good track record with your other stories so that I am very hopeful for this one.

My one biggest hope for this story is for Zim's personality to be different enough from Rimuru in canon so that Zim does not have the stereotypical overly humble Japanese personality. It would also be nice if Zim actually used the more powerful and deadly powers he absorbs from monsters. Rimuru had an annoying habit of almost seeming afraid to use his more powerful abilities or to stand out in canon. Overall, I am just hoping to see a more assertive and confident protagonist in this story compared to slime canon, which shouldn't be a stretch given what I remember of Zim's personality from Invader Zim.

I am curious though, how much of Slime are you familiar with? Have you only seen the anime or have you read either the light novel or web novel? The light novel is still a work in progress, but the web novel is fully written and translated to English. I'm just wondering how much of the Slime world and characters to expect to come from cannon.

Thanks and I look forward to the next update.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3
awesome write more
pupupumirrorbat chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
Oooh... very interesting idea
Kupidity chapter 1 . 12/29/2019
This is looking pretty interesting not gonna lie. Can't wait to see want you'll with this concept.
Silber D. Wolf chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
Dingo T. Wilds chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
It would be kinda nice if Zim tried summoning just to say he did ( for science!) And got Gaz or a few Irkens or something. Hell maybe use what you established and have the control brains predict his reincarnation due to his words at the end and have a squad ready to send to him through a teleporter or something. Both of these ideas should only occur once he has eaten Shizu though.
Side note, Zims human form should have green hair and red eyes and his slime from should be green like his irken skin
Niicholai chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
Love how the tallest actually cared for zim in the end almost made me cry can't wait to read more whwn it comes out - thanks for a amazing raad
TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
I imagine Zim will retain his AMAZING FORM once he gets past the slime stage, though he is likely to make himself taller. Glad his personality is intact.
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