Reviews for Honest Trailers: Superman IV: The Quest For Peace
Thundercatroar chapter 1 . 7/27
Oh, I agree with you, this movie really was so bad.

It wasn't even the shitty acting or the stupid plot in as much that Superman forgot who Superman was, by evidence of the extra non-canon powers he had.

An eye beam that could reconstruct buildings? He's SUPERMAN, not Bob the fuckin' Builder! I mean at least him whamming around the earth to bring Lois Lane back to life in the first movie made comic booky sense.


If there's one thing Bob the builder and his friends couldn't fix, it's this crappy ass movie, not even with the help of the mafia.

Annnndddddd we all know who is in the construction and waste removal rackets... at least in New York where a lot of this pathetic hoedown took place.

But, I have to say, at least they tried to make the 80's Superman movies fun, I'll definitely take this movie over the latest offerings of DC any day.


P.S. I don't guess I could convince you to do an honest trailer for the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers TV show or movie?
Guest chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
If we all knew how shitty the Superman franchise was going to get, back then and in the future-I would have asked Kal-El to kneel before Zod and keep his whiny ass down there.
Michael Weyer chapter 1 . 12/17/2019
I still love the irony of Jon Cryer being the annoying nephew of Luthor...and then decades later becomes one of the best versions of Lex ever.