Reviews for Mark of War
Constant Comment Tea chapter 1 . 4/2/2011
Hi, I read this story yeeeaaaaars ago and loved it so much that I am still recommending it to people as one of the best Harry Potter stories out there. I'm writing a review of it for a fan fiction group that I'm apart of and realized with a jolt of shame that I never left a review/note of thanks for you when I first read this.

So here I am: thank you so much. This piece is truly exquisite. I loved all of the characters (and as someone who also writes original characters into non-original worlds, I know how difficult it can be to balance all of the characters for the readers), and the whole story was tastefully dark; I cried and laughed in the best possible ways.

I hope your original novel-writing ventures are going well, as well as the homeschooling (I homeschooled for most of my grade school career). :-)
I-AM-A-HARRYPOTTER-FANATI chapter 21 . 7/22/2004
i loved it
Jabby chapter 21 . 6/18/2004
Hey! Someone on the cinescape messageboards recommended this fic...and I tell you, it's brilliant! Excpet for I didn' want Remus to die :( but still, the story was great! I love your writing style!
Kemenran chapter 21 . 8/14/2003
Great chapter (great story). I hope that you'd think of doing a sequel or something.
potterfreak2 chapter 18 . 7/17/2003
Still Half-Decent...A large number of Non-Canon characters, though.
Joyce2 chapter 10 . 7/3/2003
I have been enjoying this; it is good to know it has been completed and I can reqad it as soon as I have time. That means the 6th or 7th I can read it all. Thank you for posting all of it. I wish you the very best with your original novel, maybe I will get the chance to read it as well, someday. Please post your pen name or the name of the book in your bio when it is ready to publish, I doubt if I am the only one who would like to read it.

I am not too thrilled with JKR's fifth year myself. It is so very dark and dismal, I didn't enjoy it. I think it could have been more detailed in many was also, but maybe that is because the fan-fic writers can work in all the details they want, and nobody tells them to fit it into a certain number of pages. I expect the misery in the OOtP is there for a reason, as we will see eventually.

I don't think having the "real" version of the fifth year has affected my fan-fic addiction at all. It is just too cool to see the many other possible lives he could live.
daisy chapter 21 . 6/30/2003
I liked your story. It was well written abnd thought out. I cried when Remus died and I'm not usually a crier. The ending was happy though and I love those. :) Anyways, congrats on a story well done.
Joyce2 chapter 8 . 6/16/2003
So, we don't need to wonder what direction you are going with this any more. Gore not withstanding, I like this.
Joyce2 chapter 7 . 6/14/2003
I am looking forward to the next chapter, this is very good. So far, there isn't a plot beyond educating a mature witch, so I am wondering just where you wil take this: A personal feud with the Malfoys? Something larger with Harry and Voldemort? Maybe the dark/light aspects are just a red herring, and it will end up a romance with Snape? Only time (and you) will tell. Ah, the suspence! :)
Joyce2 chapter 6 . 6/14/2003
Very nice, so far! I can tell you are a bit older than many of the fan-fic writers, as you mention in your bio.
jadesky1 chapter 7 . 6/9/2003
Good chapter! Glad to here that Remus will be in it and i doubt i'll hate you unless of course you were planning on having him elope with snape, adopt malfoy and start waring pink weren't were you?
gombeen chapter 6 . 6/6/2003
Very intresting so far

Is it a Roxanne the Hero or is it Harry?

Hope to read more.
jadesky1 chapter 6 . 6/5/2003
I have no idea where you're going with this, but i like what you've done so far so i'm definately going to keep Remus be involved at some point? Huge remus fan here so please bring him in for my sake.
mik0217 chapter 5 . 5/30/2003
this is pretty good. definately keep going.
gombeen chapter 2 . 5/15/2003
I'm intrested to see were you go from here. It is plain to see you have a gift for writing but will what you choose to write be any good

Can't wait to find out.
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