Reviews for DEAD MAGIC
Sakura Lisel chapter 13 . 2/20
Couldn't you post the new chapters here as well? Please?
bluestorm28 chapter 12 . 2/10
I've just realised that your "runners" seem really similar to the Cranks in the Maze runner scorch trials and death cure
Futago no Akuma Shimai chapter 11 . 2/8
Hey! I'm reviewing as I promised!
(This is the writer of Unexpected by the way, just in case you didn't recognize my pen name).
I absolutely love the idea of the Runners/Mutates.
I love HP crossovers with TWD and this only the second one I've ever come across where the existence of magic has affected the way walkers act. SO, I really love that. You have a really unique writing style, and each chapter leaves your readers hanging at the edge of their seats. I absolutely LOVE that Merle is playing a large role in this story. (Also loving the Lori bashing). Colt is adorable and I love that he and Merle saved Sophia. I'm interested in seeing how the Atlanta group is going to react to the existence of magic and interact with the HP cast.
You have a pretty good handle of your OC's which is awesome.
I'd like to see where this is going.

Mara-Chan (o l l o)
917brat chapter 11 . 2/5
Are you up on those site? and if not can you post when you are, and if so can you post a link?
Wicked Lovely 17 chapter 10 . 1/28
Love it!
michiefan chapter 8 . 1/15
darkfirenyx, you write action extremely well. it's like i'm right there, bravo. colt, merle, and daryl work well together. glenn is soooo cute in love. will michie survive? I hope. thanks for the chap.
miche chapter 7 . 1/14
my goodness I hope they don't die because of selfish lori. those runners are brutal. update soon.
917brat chapter 7 . 1/13
This is just wonderful and I wonder does Colt have a porkey or something like that, that could help get him and others to their sanctuary? or a way to contact Harry and the others if they really need help? Oh man am I wrong in assume the group Merle and Colt are from is Harry's? Please keep this up I so want to see just where you are going to go with this.
Michie chapter 6 . 1/13
Different scarier boot shaking So I guess Andre michie Sasha and brother will not stand a chance these new vicious vamps. Sooo sad
917brat chapter 5 . 1/7
I love that Sophia lived and was rescued she just as Merle said a little rabbit. I really like this story and am enjoying everything that you have happening so far please keep up the utterly amazing work.
Lexie-chan94 chapter 2 . 1/4
Please update soon
Lexie-chan94 chapter 1 . 12/12/2019
Please update soon
Sakura Lisel chapter 1 . 12/11/2019
Hmm... how was Harry 100% sure the place Sirius left him would have been 100% zombie free? *lol* I doubt whatever magical protections Sirius put on the place included warding off UNDEAD threats to the property since the Zombie Apocalypse wasn't going on when Sirius was last there.

Plus what about any house elves that might have been living there when Harrys group arrived? The spinoff series FEAR The Walking Dead, taking place before EVERYTHING in The Walking Dead, revealed that what started the zombie outbreak in The Walking Dead was an unknown flulike virus that started with high unbreakable fevers, cold like symptoms, then death to the ones who caught it who then came back as zombies. *lol* unless only humans were infected and house elves and other magical creatures were immune.