Reviews for My Leveling Hero Academia
BBWulf chapter 2 . 11h
Sorry, this is a great idea, but I’m gonna stop here. Deku is apparently incompetent. He’s had his quirk for a long time, and apparently never really tried anything with it. If that’s not incompetent... no, sorry, if that’s not sheer stupidity, I fear for what is.
BBWulf chapter 1 . 12h
... You’re telling me, that as smart as he’s supposed to be, he’s never tried some of the most basic video game stuff? Seriously? Even someone as stupid as Denki, post quirk usage, and as scatterbrained as Deku(a fitting name apparently) at his worst should’ve at least had the thought pop up. Especially as desperate to be a hero as he is...
Oh well, I’ll read on to see if he becomes a bit less useless mentally.
Shaedy.Mo chapter 12 . 8/4
Uhm... I'm pretty sure that Eri isn't just a random orphan, but the biological granddaughter of the Head of the Yakuza. Only reason why Overhaul even put the old man in a coma is because he wanted full access to the little girl.

Also, shouldn't his Focus Health level up since he's been using it for a while?
Benji the Monocat chapter 12 . 8/4
Where's All Might/Toshinori on the relationship list btw?
Benji the Monocat chapter 7 . 8/4
Is it just me or is this even more comedic than the original show?
Benji the Monocat chapter 6 . 8/4
This version of Shota Aizawa is a lot more... expressive... and boomer like...
Benji the Monocat chapter 5 . 8/4
oh my goodness... dat boi savage
drkprince chapter 2 . 8/4
only redeeming factor of midoriya was his brains.. now the nerd is dumb nerd.. sigh
ProjectIceman chapter 12 . 8/4
The Gamer System was like, "Kick their ass Midoriya!" XD
CrystalofThePhilosopher chapter 11 . 7/17
I have a race suggestion to go with the dragon thing... Izuku stuck with a combination that would make it alot harder to be a hero but might give 'Toga' more reason to like him... My race suggestion is [Sanguis Draconis] A vampire Dragon like human hybrid... Reason being the craving for blood would make it slightly more difficult to control himself but attract Toga more obviously no issues with the sun besides a mood thing... And Shadow skills. But the dragon part to also make it harder with a buff... Obvious breath weapon and wings (in the future) but the (Dragons protect their 'Horde' viciously and the greed for one thing... Perhaps Knowledge? People? Power? Or even as silly as unique coins.
But other than that.. I'm enjoying the story so far and hope you try a unique spin on things... Heck I'd be interested in seeing Deku with the {Shadow Lord} class from "Solo Leveling" a advancement of {Necromancer}.
Mystery889 chapter 1 . 7/16
Mystery889 chapter 1 . 7/16
I think it should have been called status if he only knew about that status
LesbianScientits chapter 11 . 7/9
Tsuyu is obviously what's going on right now, so I assume you mean a harem? It does make sense, Tsuyu gives off a bit of a non-nonchalant vibe as if she doesn't really care where the affection comes from as long as she gets affection. I think she's a mid-level autistic, relatively high functioning but still with a lot of little quirks like doing the raptor hands. Very similar but simultaneously very different to the ghost girl from class 1-B, Reiko. But that's not surprising considering autism is basically random parts of the personality being more or less active than 'normal'. Basically, everyone has some level of autism but it's not really obvious in most people since their personalities are 'within the average range'. I myself have issues interacting with people face to face, but less so over the phone or through text. They call my specific brand of autism 'aspergers'. Yes, I am aware it sounds like ass burgers. Shush.

Well, we know from canon that Ochaco likes B-B-Boobs, and probably Mei falling on Izuku was one of the reasons she realizes she could have both Izuku and boobs. So she's a good option for a second member of Tsuyu's harem I think. Or is it Izuku's? Well, either way, a harem is a harem no matter who's in charge I suppose.

Mei herself would be a bit hard to convince for any kind of dating, but Izuku could probably help her out with crafting in exchange for stat points. Maybe intellect for memory, wisdom for understanding machines on a larger scale... like reading a blueprint and understanding how it works, cunning for thinking of quick patches to stop Mei's explosions before they happen, etc. Once she's ready to date though, I don't think she would actually care whether her partner was male or female because she's only really looking to unwind. Kissing, cuddling while reading a engineering magazine and watching a movie, eating lunch next to each other, etc. She'd probably be rather distant partner, more focused on her work ninety percent of the time and mostly coming to cuddle when she needs to bounce ideas off her partner.

Momo and Kyoka are friends to some extent and a lot of people ship them, but we don't really know their sexuality other than possibly Kyoka shooting appreciative glances at Momo. Since that's up in the air, both could potentially be bisexual as well... which makes sense due to most females being bisexual but repressed by modern society unless they get drunk and lose their inhibitions created by listening to things like 'you should make sure to find a good man someday'. In a world two hundred years into the future where people can probably turn blood into semen or eggs and thus allow same-sex marriages, these inhibitions probably don't form anymore due to the simple fact that people can reproduce with whoever they want. In fact, the main difference is probably a heightened tendency for members of either physical gender with strong quirks to form harems of their preferred physical gender or just both of them. After all, it's probably not frowned upon for people with strong quirks to try and spread those quirks around faster in a society that worships quirks.

Toru and Mina have fun personalities, and they're both kind of unknown on sexuality. We also don't know about any pre-UA friends besides Mina and Kirishima unlike with the Momo/Kyoka friendship. They do seem pretty open though, and Toru would probably be ecstatic if Izuku picked up an ultra-violet light technique. Similar to reindeer eyes or mantis shrimp. He could probably see her then, though that might create a few issues. Like... well... if she doesn't have a costume that turns invisible when she puts it on. O_o

Itsuka is a good girl, very firm and commanding yet also warm and smiley. Not sure about her sexuality, but she gives off a bit of a 'mom' vibe.

Pony Tsunotori is ultra cute, has a friendly personality, and is extra thicc. It also wouldn't be hard to convince her, since Izuku can just teach her Japanese using an English to Japanese translation ability. But again, we don't know her sexuality. We just know that, statistically, she's probably bisexual and she's very friendly.

Reiko, ghost girl again, might be interesting just to see her interacting with Tsuyu since they both seem to be slightly more obviously autistic. They can raptor hands together whenever they get startled lol. (Teh fuk is tat?! *Raptor Mode Engaged*). But again, we can't really tell what her sexuality is.

Setsuna is kind of flirty like Mina, so the two combined might be a real terror and make it a 'Hard' time for poor little Deku. I don't think we can really tell what her sexuality is.

Yui Kodia is kind of a kudere, so maybe like Itsuka she could have a very mom-like vibe in a relationship but more of a strict mom than a warm mom. Again, we can't really tell what her sexuality is as far as I'm aware.

Kinoko is shy and cute around huge crowds like the sports festival, but turns bubbly and playful when around smaller groups. She seems like a cool girl. But again, we probably can't tell what her sexuality is without more screen time.

For Ibara... well... the best part about her is that she's corruptible. That is to say, she stylizes herself as pure and saintly. But... girls like that tend to want people to make them feel dirty and impure behind closed doors. You could go either way with her, Izuku being ultra-pure with her. Or... trying to be that way but slowly realizing that she much prefers something a little naughtier, something that makes her feel like she's biting the forbidden fruit. "O-Oh! K-Kiss each other? W-Without being... m-married? W-we can't possibly... that's... so s-sinful..." *Izuku feels a bead of sweat roll down his forehead from pure disbelief as the blushing girl slowly inches forward with closed eyes, still stammer away about how she can't possibly kiss him*

For Mirko or Ryukyu, they're both rather beautiful. Mirko's extra extra extra Thicccc and would push Izuku to excel to meet her standards, while Ryukyu is absolutely gorgeous and strong yet a bit shy and cute so... what?... they're not part of 1-A, 1-B or Camie? Well... I... fine... whatever... be that way.

Blending the two fighting scene styles might be good, I like them both. Ideally, you would start out normal and slowly progress to rage mode. But you could also sometimes do the opposite; forcing Izuku to use his environment in order to get through the battle alive.

Rare should probably be magic because magic is more powerful than physical skills in most games. Not all, but most. However, it doesn't need to be the strongest magic ever, right? Just useful. I suggest, partially for lesbian fun times, Shapeshifting. It would allow Izuku to boost his 'core statistics' to maximum: make himself even more chiseled, taller, more flexible, etc; but also allow him to disguise himself on short notice. He could combine this with inventory magic to do a sort of quick change act. He could also use this power to give himself some basic upgrades. Changing his leg musculature to something similar to a frog like Tsuyu for a percentage based upgrade to leg strength. Maybe giving himself cat ears to boost hearing, but adding extra sensors in the ear canal above the eardrums to allow automatic hardening of the actual eardrum itself when the sensors detect extremely loud sounds. A tail of some sort, perhaps a cat tail to match the ears, would be good for balance. Almost unnoticeable Gills that can be opened and closed to filter oxygen underwater but still allow him to breath on land. Maybe giving himself longer reach while punching by lengthening his arms slightly and practicing fighting with them?

It's not the strongest power, but it's very useful. The duration for something like this would probably be 'instant'. But it would almost certainly have a high cost so he couldn't do it in combat very often, if at all. In fact, each change may end up exhausting him; meaning he has to do it over the course of a few days.
ProjectIceman chapter 11 . 7/8
First Poll: From what I'm seeing, it seems he has a thing for Tsuyu. Lets go with her!

Second Poll (and Third Poll): I kinda like a mix of the two, depending on the situation. When Izuku is not in rage mode, I'd like to see him use analysis and strategy. It doesn't feel like Izuku when he just goes berserk mode on everything.

It's a different story when the rage bar is maxed; though I would like him to get a skill that could help him control and weaponize his anger efficiently instead of dishing and tanking hits while going, "I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, B**CH!" XD

I was looking for Anger Manipulation abilities and the one I found that seems like the one I would choose is Tranquil Fury - a combination of Tranquil State and Feral Mind. Maybe Tranquil State could probably be an upgraded version of the Meditation skill (or the Meditation Skill itself) while Feral Mind could be the Anger Meter...

Forth Poll: Yes! I love character interactions.
aSleepyPenguin chapter 1 . 6/29
WTH has Deku been doing all these years.

No wonder he's called Deku! He wasted 10 years with this awesome ability and did NOTHING.

I'm calling him Deku in this novel until he actually does something.
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