Reviews for To Guard the Eastern Gate
que chapter 2 . 7/1
Acabas de... literalmente, crear un capitulo a un comentario troll de Internet...?
Bien, me dejo impresionada, pero en realidad no me concierne, ejem.

Dejando de lado el estúpido comentario anónimo, fue una buena historia, gracias por compartirla para los que si apreciamos fanfics de los ineffable husbands. Según el comentario, tienes más historias, así que no dudare en pasarme por ellas, quien sabe, quizás algunas se vayan a mi lista de favoritos.

Lamento comentar en español, pero mis dedos están congelados del frió y tenia pereza de ir hasta el traductor, espero te estés cuidando, saludos!
Not important chapter 1 . 1/27
Wow. You managed to miss literally *everything* about Sodom (and Gomorrah) that's relevant in the Bible, and why God ultimately destroyed them. Did the war you described happen? Yes. But that makes no difference, because God didn't destroy the cities due to 'understandable hostility when faced with strangers after cruel occupation.' When you actually READ that part of the Bible, it says quite plainly that God would have spared both cities - at Abram's request, because he BEGGED God not to destroy them - had there been fifty righteous people. Then 25. Then ten. Then five. Then one. God would have spared both cities had one single righteous person been found there.

And there wasn't. Not a single, God-fearing and God-following person existed in the entire population of either city.

Sodom and Gomorrah were cesspits of lawlessness, sexual immorality, and blasphemy. Having 'the most liberal minded marriage laws' isn't a commendation or okay, and it is not what God intended for marriage. And that doesn't even touch the rest of it; it's just the thing you made a specific point of. And so, because the inhabitants of both cities had given themselves completely over to immorality in every conceivable form, and subsequently refused to repent and turn to God, He destroyed them.

This story is a shame to see, because you are a very talented writer, and your OCs were well-written and characterized. But your premise, unfortunately, is flawed. And I know this review will likely either make you roll your eyes before you delete it or cause blinding rage, and that's fine; I'm not looking for a debate and I don't think you are either. But I still needed to write this, because your historical research might be spot-on, but you missed everything that actually matters, and that's . . . a waste of a truly excellent talent.
Shadow Cat17 chapter 1 . 12/29/2019
Wow! This is really well written. Thank you for taking the time and effort to write and post it.
Strawberries chapter 1 . 12/17/2019
Whoa... This story was pretty awesome! Kudos to the research you put into it, because that was some legitimate word-building that fits quite well into the Good Omens vein.
Angelus Terrae chapter 1 . 12/9/2019
This is amazing! Beautifully written and meticulously researched. I'm in awe.