Reviews for Roots
Rogue Reader chapter 15 . 6/24
Poor lily.
Rogue Reader chapter 14 . 5/20
Dick has the best timing. These two are so cute! Love the chapter!
Rogue Reader chapter 13 . 5/15
Bruce Wayne to the rescue!
AusllyBeliever chapter 13 . 5/15
Alfred did her one better. He called the Bat. I have a feeling I know who was behind this attack...
AusllyBeliever chapter 12 . 5/13
Dang it Alfred. You couldn’t have waited just a minute longer?
TheWriter8789 chapter 12 . 5/13
I love Alfred, I really do but come on Al! I thought you were shipping them, how could you ruin their moment!
Rogue Reader chapter 12 . 5/13
Nooo! Why Alfred? Why did the Bat Signal have to interrupt Bruce and Lily? Great chapter!
AusllyBeliever chapter 11 . 4/30
Thank goodness for Bruce because that deranged lunatic does not know when to stop. Nice work again! Hope you’re doing well!
xenocanaan chapter 10 . 2/19
I can’t wait to read more!
xenocanaan chapter 9 . 2/13
This chapter defjnotely pulled on my heartstrings. I hopelook forward to reading more.
Rogue Reader chapter 9 . 2/13
Poor Dick. :'(
Lola chapter 9 . 2/13
Omg yas I am loving these chapters ! Is he gonna invite her over next chapter so they can talk about it ?!
AusllyBeliever chapter 8 . 2/9
I’m glad that you gave us some of her backstory, it helps make sense of how she’s feeling. But, more importantly, where could our precious Dickiebird be?! T–T
Guest chapter 8 . 2/8
Can’t wait for another update I love this story! I love learning more about Lily’s past
Lola chapter 8 . 2/7
I love that actress! Amazing chapter im loving where this is going, can’t wait for another batman interaction ;)
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