Reviews for We Get A Love Story
Haikyuislife chapter 1 . 3/23
I just wanted to say that this story should be animated into the actual show. It was so perfectly smoothed into the universe that Klance lives in! It really warmed my heart and I hope that you continue your writing.
Starblood20 chapter 4 . 3/22
aaaaaaaaawwwww I actually cried. I love this story, firstly your writting is really good, you're skilled at perspectives, second this was just such a nice heartwarming read and third I wish there was more but the ending was peeerrrfect. thanks so much for sharing this, I enjoyed reading it very much, looking forward to looking at more of your work.
TheMasterfulShipper chapter 3 . 3/9
Goodness I love your work. I love this cutesy little story and how you portray our boys! I am glad you were able to up load this but hopefully your health goes up. Im sending positive vibes your way. Keep up the great work and I cannot wait for more
Shiranai Atsune chapter 3 . 2/24
Yey! A new update!

So long, so good, so totally worth the wait!

Love this so much!

Just one chapter left!
Shiranai Atsune chapter 2 . 12/5/2019
Yeah. It's gonna be 'Klance'.

Long live Veracxa too!
Shiranai Atsune chapter 2 . 12/5/2019
Yey! A new update so soon! 14k words! How do you do it?! I love this so much!
Shiranai Atsune chapter 1 . 12/5/2019
Yey! A new fanfic from you!

Whoa! 26k words! So long too!

I love this so much! I can't wait to read more of this! I love your works and your writings so much!