Reviews for Jumanji: Welcome to the Shadow Games
Horrorchik21 chapter 2 . 4/28
please update i want to read more...i have watched both jumaji movie the original and the new one and am excited to see how this goes
dr-fanmai-lover chapter 1 . 12/5/2019
RaisingHeartExelion chapter 2 . 12/5/2019
I recognized Duke's "girlfriend" immediately. It's the selfish beauty queen from Season 0! Perfect choice! *thumbs up*

I laughed softly at the irony of the avatars and their names. Excellent to use the character's Egyptian selves as the avatars. ;)

Now I'm getting excited. What kind of adventures will the group have and what else will they discover?
RaisingHeartExelion chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
This is a pretty good start. I'm looking forward to read more of this. Maybe this fanfic can awaken my interest for Jumanji, or at least get to know it a little better. :)