Reviews for The Forgotten House
WysteriaHysteria chapter 15 . 7/17
I really like this! I can’t wait to see who gets into the fifth house in the next couple of years!
GeneralBlackShadow chapter 14 . 5/17
Please continue writing! I simply can't wait for the next chapter and your story is fantastic! Please don't stop writing!
creative chapter 6 . 5/16
very different yet not jarring. keep writing,
Heeeeeey71937 chapter 7 . 4/21
Hope she gets better!
Awesome71936 chapter 6 . 4/21
Everyone is now wondering if the hat finally lost it... lol
EmpressLoveSiren23 chapter 10 . 4/17
hi just read your monster allergy story it's so romantic that melanie has a crush on teddy can we have a chat please
ThunderClaw03 chapter 10 . 4/16
Poor Holly she is such a sweet and likable girl for anyone to want to kill her is unforgivable in my eyes. Update soon
Amelia chapter 10 . 4/16
Great chapter! Please update soon, this is a very interesting story.
ThunderClaw03 chapter 9 . 4/8
Wow Holly is making a lot of friends, but the fear that the Dursley's instilled in her will take time to get over? I wonder what kind of conversation Holly has with the Animals she talks too? Update soon
SailorSedna052 chapter 7 . 1/31
more please.
flaymecloser chapter 7 . 1/22
I think you posted a chapter for a different story.
ThunderClaw03 chapter 3 . 12/11/2019
Great job keep it up. I hope holly and Harry never return to the dursley's. Update soon
Th3CheshireCat chapter 2 . 12/9/2019
Really good so far! Please update soon!