Reviews for Aceducation
XxDashiexX chapter 3 . 7/17
you should've seen my face when i realized that the title is a pun
ScrewballBRaine chapter 3 . 7/13
This was brilliantly wholesome and I love it
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7
Angel Dust doesn't know what Asexual means?
athousandroses chapter 3 . 5/3
Fun :) I like that Alastor found a friend in Angel Dust :) And that Vaggie could help out :)
amy chapter 3 . 3/29
it must be really tough for someone who thinks he is the only freak that feels that way. i am glad that vaggie saves the day - much to her chagrin and to the sanity of the other hotel's employees- with the modern views on life. i can see how much mischief al and angel will put trough the staff and he other patients, now that tey have bonded and become real friends. so, i really liked your story and i am very happy to have found this litte gem. bye :)
Bermuda Dragon chapter 3 . 2/24
I Can Relate To Alastor On This! :D
Guest chapter 3 . 2/4
Is this over? I both hope it is and it isn't because on one hand this would be a very comfortable way to end it but I also enjoyed it so much I don't want it to end. Well you have a lovely writing style and I truly enjoyed the character analysis you brought to the table. All and all I really liked this and hope to see more from you in the future.
tobias599 chapter 3 . 1/1
I really like this. Can't wait for Alastor's first dad joke in the show! :)
Vercinacox chapter 3 . 12/8/2019
This was so great and made me laugh SO hard XD
Devin Trinidad chapter 3 . 11/29/2019
Hahaha! Of course Alastor would use all of the card puns against Husk! What's really surprising is that Angel also goes with it, hahahah. I think my favorite part about all of this is that I love your characterization concerning Angel. He can be a pain in the butt at times and he deserves punishment for being way too pushy in the second chapter, but he automatically respects the fact that Alastor is asexual. Like, I need that same positivity in my own life, hehehe.

Anyway, your grammar and spelling was impeccable, your characterizations were spot on (bonus points for letting Vaggie be their personal dictionary), and I absolutely love the puns. (Truth is, there should be more because Alastor is the ultimate Dad who does the dad jokes).

Anyway, great job and have wonderful day! :D
Beast of Beltaine chapter 3 . 11/28/2019
Ahhhh! Oh my god! This chapter satisfied like thirty needs, especially with Vaggie being the one to teach these two old fellas a thing or two about orientation- god, this feels so VALID. I’m not even sure how to put my feelings about this chapter into words? God, Angel did almost end up ripped apart but he came through and embraced Alastor so goddamn well despite everything. Heck i’m YELLING! Great job!

Alastor and Angel being aggressively positive about themselves after what has to be the most unpleasant week of Alastor’s afterlife (hee hee! suffer radio man!) is just so incredibly satisfying. This lil fic is another score for aces everywhere! (Also guess what fool never realized the potential for card jokes? This one! Time to take inspiration and torment all my fellows in a way that’d make our fave radio demon proud!)

Gosh, something about this fic just really tickles me pink! The humor, the characterization, the writing itself, what’s not to love! You did awesome!
Devin Trinidad chapter 2 . 11/28/2019
Oh my gosh this was so wonderfully written and executed. I love reading the character interactions and their thoughts—you’re really great at characterization! Not only that, but I love the imagery that you use and how abruptly you cut scenes in the second half of the second chapter.

Well done! I can’t wait for the next chapter. I wonder if Alastor knows how to explain to angel that he’s asexual, hahah!

Great job and have a wonderful day!
Metal Sanic chapter 2 . 11/27/2019
We are gathered here today to mourn the death of Angel Dust-

This is such a good story and the interactions between the two were hilarious
Guest chapter 2 . 11/27/2019
I like it, Alastor seems to be in-character for once :) Waiting for more chapters!
Beast of Beltaine chapter 2 . 11/26/2019
Ohhh oh no, Angel Dust, you’ve gone too far! Can we get an F in the chat? Rip rip, boy!

Honestly I’m loving what you’ve written thus far, I’ve been cackling the whole time reading this! As a gray aro/ace, I feel Alastor on a spiritual level here but I can’t help but laugh at his suffering. Can’t wait to see more, this is so much fun to read! Great job!
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