Reviews for King of Games
Wolf That Hunts The Moon chapter 30 . 8/1
Having now read the story through I can only assume it doesnt have more reviews because the fandoms getting quiet. This is a well written and decently paced story with an original plot and a main character that while certainly strong and smart is well writtten enough not to feel too much like a gary stu. Altogether I look forward to future chapters.
Guest chapter 30 . 7/28
Man queen Fiore death is pretty sad like the king and hisui are both hysterical especially hisui since she believes her mom is sleeping and you also did a great job and looking forward to the next chapter
Guest chapter 28 . 7/25
I got the feeling that Matt is the big brothers of fairy tail. And I love that
anzafay21 chapter 30 . 7/24
Thanks for the chapter shadow! Excited to see how the trials will turn out and what challenges the master will create. As well seeing him finally learn what the fairy book is about and the secrets it holds and what monkey will reveal to him. Keep up the amazing work! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Abdur Rauf Aymaan chapter 30 . 7/24
Thanks for the chapter and hope you update soon. speakng of, whats your release rate? 1 chap as month or something different? also, are you going to integrate sage mode or something like with naruto? I mean since you introduced nature spirits. Also, introducing any phoenix counterparts to dragons?
Thanks bye
Darkmaster10000000 chapter 30 . 7/24
So here's a question: When's Matt gonna get the Egyptian God Cards?
AnimeMyWorld chapter 30 . 7/24
you took out the pairing what happened?
Felipe1402XZA chapter 30 . 7/24
i want minerva be adopted by matt! his father is trash!
That2-one3-girl4 chapter 4 . 7/16
Why does he even want to go home?
He died there?
He is a little kid here?
What kind of life does he expect to go back to?
Guest chapter 26 . 7/4
I ship Matt and ultra lmao great job and hopefully you'll update it soon
Gobert600 chapter 27 . 7/1
His no name is no longer Matt, is it Trauma Mister, who still mutilates a limb before Canon?
Bungster chapter 15 . 6/28
that Matt and hisui interaction was cute. keep up the good work
xPricefieldx chapter 29 . 6/27
It's has to be Zeke's fault he's forgetting
Arclight001 chapter 29 . 6/26
Yes please, post a poll for the 4th story.
Darkmaster10000000 chapter 29 . 6/26
Well, hopefully this will help make it so that Cana WON'T knock Lucy out during the Tenrou arc.
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