Reviews for Mortality
dandelion1112 chapter 23 . 10/22
Still breathless, awesome! I loved that Carlisle was the one to suck the venom out! But now, she needs to be brought to the osital very quickly or she will die from blood loss
dandelion1112 chapter 22 . 10/22
Wow! This chapter leaves me breathless!
Reinbeau chapter 25 . 10/18
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
dandelion1112 chapter 21 . 10/18
Very intense chapter! The title is very interesting. Does "Schadefreudeexist as English word? I never read it in an English text before. It is a common word in German. It is used when someone is happyabout something bad that happened to another person. The word is very fitting for James, it is just strange for me to find a common German word in an English story.
dandelion1112 chapter 20 . 10/11
Why doesn't Bella tell the truth about the ballet studio? And why leave Alice and Jasper her alone? Jasper must feel the turmoil she is in.
dandelion1112 chapter 19 . 10/11
So, the encounter with the nomads did not turn out well. Now everything is a mess.
What I can't understand : Why doesn't Bella talk about her dreams. There are so many important informations in them.
dandelion1112 chapter 18 . 10/11
The Cullens playing baseball was so much fun to read! - It is good, that the friendship between Bella, Jessica and Angela is so stable that they really care about her and that she could give them some kind of warning.
dandelion1112 chapter 17 . 10/10
Jasper's basement is great. I hope that her training will help Bella to defend herself. But I fear for Charlie. Will the tracker go after him?
dandelion1112 chapter 16 . 10/10
Bella meets the whole Cullen family. It was so much fun to read. I enjoyed very much her listening to Edward playing her song and the talk she had with Emmett. I still don't get it how she can be si blind about Edward's feelings towards her when everyone hints that there is more. I hoe that will change soon. As always, thank you for your great work!
dandelion1112 chapter 15 . 10/5
Charlie training Be8was so m luch fun to read!
dandelion1112 chapter 14 . 10/5
Thank you for describing a terrifying vampire when exposed to the sun! It's great that even Bella struggles to keep her cool when seeing Edward that way. The only thing I can't understand: how she doesn't see that he is deeply in love with her.
dandelion1112 chapter 13 . 10/5
I hope he doesn't sparkle!
dandelion1112 chapter 12 . 10/5
I love the way Edward's and Bella's relationship develops, though she is in the dark about the depth of his feelings for her! It was great how she handled Mike! But I am a little confused about the end of the chapter. Obviously it is important for Billy to protect Bella from vampires. Edward does not want to meet him. But some chapters before it was said that Carlisle regularly visits the hospital on the reservation and that Billy and Carlisle are more in touch than they let people think. Why is it then that Billy is so scared about Bella being in contact with members of Carlisle's coven?
dandelion1112 chapter 11 . 10/5
I enjoy the way Charlie and Bella are together!
dandelion1112 chapter 9 . 10/4
So Bella is some kind of witch... There she was, looking for some kind of break and now there is even more she has to deal with. Then there is the "incident". Edward saves her in a truly vampiric way. The Edward you write isn't as tame as SM's. That's even more challenging for Bella but I appreciate it. It gives more to the story. Thanks again for writing and sharing!
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