Reviews for The Infinity War
Guest chapter 2 . 9/9
.El Primordial(Un Celestial demente enloquecido que busca controlar,absorber y/o destruir la galaxia)
.Hijos Estelares(Culto multi-especie interestelar masivo expandido a través de la galaxia Star Wars)
.Las diferentes razas y entidades Lovecraftianas,así como especies hostiles de Warhammer 40.000
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9
Una verdadera trama para esto seria lo siguiente...
Star Wars Infinity:La Guerra de la Eternidad.
Sagas combinadas en este Multi-Crossover.
.Warhammer 40.000
.Star Wars The Clone Wars/Star Wars en general
.Mass Effect(Solo sus diferentes especies orgánicas,cada una con su propia tecnología única avanzada)

.El Nacimiento de un vasto culto interestelar multi-especie que se constituye como un tercer bando intercesor en las Guerras de los Clones,matando millones de ambos bandos y llevando recursos y grandes cantidades de provisiones a los mundos mas lejanos y necesitados,ganándose su apoyo
.La creación de las Gemas del Infinito tras el Big Bang y su dispersión a lo largo de la Vía Láctea
.Descubrimiento de la Galaxia de la Vía Láctea y posterior exploración de la República Galáctica
.Primer contacto entre la República con una gigantescamente amplia variedad de especies distintas
.Relaciones de la CSI y la República con las diferentes especies inteligentes y no inteligentes
.Primer encuentro con las Gemas en un masivo planeta de gigante gaseoso en el Borde Exterior
.Los eventos de la temporad hasta l de la serie animada Star Wars The Clone Wars
.Primer contacto y descubrimiento de un corrompido celestial en un planeta biotecnologico avanzado

Las especies de la Via Lactea se componen de las diferentes razas de Mass Effect y Warhammer 40K
(Con la excepcion de las Asari que no existen,tampoco existen el Consejo de la Ciudadela)
barbatos009 chapter 2 . 6/7
I thought the power Stone was going to power the Malevolence and when are you going to update this story I want to see were it goes.
R1VN chapter 1 . 2/22
Dude below me needs to make an account and stoo talking shit as a guest smh.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/6
Hey dumbass hurry the fuck up with the infinity war, United Universe Legion, Spartan Mutant, the last Spartan, and many other that haven't been updated yet so hurry the fuck up already you bloody asshole
ReaperOfBalance chapter 2 . 12/1/2019
Also, the Mandalorian wars were started by Mandalorians
You mean Kreia, but she wanted it dead because of the pain is caused to people for its own plans. She just never tried because she knew losing the force could drive people mad and make them extremely weak, which was why she was fascinated by Meetra Surik as she not only cut her own connection to the force but even thrived afterwards
Sean Malloy-1 chapter 2 . 11/30/2019
Interesting idea, but wiping out the force seems drastic to me
Guest chapter 2 . 11/28/2019
Now I've finished the chapter. Can you please return Ahsoka to he original outfit because her current one doesn't work for me. Also please do some body modifications to Ahsoka and the rest of the harem to make them sexier. Also give all of the girls revealing outfits to fight in so so they'll look sexy even in war.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/28/2019
"A job well done Ventress." Dooku said inspecting the Cosmic Cube as it was placed in a device. "With one of the infinity stones in our possession we now have more than enough power to power up the Malevolence." Dooku said.

Wait he's using it to power the Malevolence that's a waste that infinity stone could power a ship at least a hundred times it's size.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/28/2019
"Wait hold on." Watto said pulling up security footage. "Normally nothing gets taken around here so I don't check this on a regular basis." Watto said before it showed to the Jedi's surprise Ventress actually taking the Cube and putting a fake in its place.

"Ventress. And this was yesterday." Obi-Wan said.

"What could they possible need the Cosmic Cube for?" Mace asked.

Okay now I'm even more disappointed with Watto than I originally was. Also please don't add Ventress to the harem because again she's ugly and sadistic.
AnimeGoji91 chapter 2 . 11/28/2019
Now that is Fucking Awesome and yes put some Star Wars Girls in this story and also please continues this story please and also again who the White Head Woman in this story!?
Guest chapter 2 . 11/28/2019
"We will not allow that." Obi-Wan said before the case was taken out of his hands by someone with quick speed revealing a man with white skin and silver hair.

"Here you go boss."

"Quicksilver." Sean said opening the case and frowned. "AHH! I knew it was too good to be true." Sean said holding the cube up before crushing it revealing no stone.

"A fake?" Ahsoka asked.

"I should have known! Nothing of value is on this pathetic Planet. I'm surprised anyone even lives here!" Sean yelled throwing the case away.

Okay I was hoping that you would only use Marvel girls when using their characters not the boys too they'll ruin everything. Also the fake infinity stone is a huge disappointment. Also I'm pretty sure that the only reason people live there is because people can't escape Jabba and his thugs.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/28/2019
Mace and Obi-Wan looked up seeing Sean and Ahsoka.

"Ahsoka?" Obi-Wan said before taking a closer look at her new appearance now wearing a similar armor as Sean had on.

Why is Ahsoka wearing Thanos' armor because I feel that doesn't work?
Guest chapter 2 . 11/28/2019
"Already? It's been a couple days." Ahsoka said.

"With the discovery of one others will appear not long after. Which one is it?" Sean asked.

I hope that this means that Sean will find the infinity stones fast because I'm hoping for a short fanfiction for a change.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/28/2019
I hope that this means that he'll get all of the infinity stones fast because I think that I would like a short fanfiction for a change.
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