Reviews for A Different Galaxy A Different Humanity
pojo18 chapter 1 . 4/27
Interesting theory. Though would argue that the hegemony was built on slavery and become a decadent civilizations. which became complacent in it's power and abilities.
Gianfranco Cembran chapter 1 . 4/21
nice capitle
tf330129 chapter 1 . 4/19
Keep it up :)
soberan 123 chapter 1 . 3/16
I thibk the CoM would still try to abide for domination of Terminus.

At least in Utopia trailers, in they own words, want to forge order from chaos. There is no other chaotic reguon of the galaxybthat desperate need some semblence of order.

Also it is interesting that Terminus is hinted in the games there are alien powers and species that don't appear in the games and books.

So it would be nice if the Commonwealth is fighting other alien powers and alliances for the control of Terminus and the disclosure that one of the arks survive and the colonist coulnd't be more different from they Earth breaten.
joecola00 chapter 1 . 1/29
Great start, and I like where this is going. I do agree that the cannon Hegemony was literally just a filler for a generic evil space slaver state that everyone can hate. I do like the pragmatic but firm CoM more than the HFY version, though I personally main gestalt robots (and will likely continue to stay with gestalts so long as ethics remain borked), so it's been a while since I ran with them. I also like the idea of a friendly terminus power being backed by them. I have my own xover in my head (because anyone who's played ME and Stellaris threw their human civ into ME as a thought experiment), where a shared burdens humanity descended from the red factions in the Kaiserreich mod for hoi4 bump into the citadel in a less than friendly manner (ie: they're all filthy capitalists, except the quarians who are technically communist, and the geth who don't have an economy beyond logistics and maintenance), where they do something similar, along with setting up and sponsoring an eventual communist uprising in the Hegemony (over the course of decades, because something like that doesn't happen overnight). That humanity also opened relations with the geth, because they had synths of their own. I know you got Psionics, but I wonder if the CoM would be willing to do the same... It's always interesting to see a scenario where the geth take a more active roll in the story without being OP.

And about the... other things... Does something love them? Will what was will be, and what will be was? Or did they make a pact with certain... entities beyond the veil? The composer of strands is my personal favorite among the 5.

Great writing, grammar, and plot, everything feels well done and right about what's been seen. Nothing too fast paced, the right amount of exposition, basically keep doing what you're doing.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Imperial Hydra chapter 1 . 1/8
A good start that I hope you continue. It will be interesting to see the mass effect races react to a more militaristic humanity and Stellaris tech, if you decide to include it.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/10/2019
Pretty good so far, Stellaris tech is pretty OP in game and in lore, look at titans,colossi, and even some of the relics, mass effect has a massive degree of tech stagnation due to eezo and its limits, sure eezo can be useful in components but its not worth making you whole tech base from it, im guessing the commonwealth dosent use eezo tech as its tech base which means you can certainly have a pretty OP Commonwealth, i also wonder if theyll purge of displace aliens, considering thats how they’re kinda ment to be played

Overall good chapter,hope you update this often there isn’t many good ME Stellaris fixs out there
AyeJimmy123 chapter 1 . 11/29/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 11/15/2019
This is a rather interesting idea please do continue it. On another note man is the council not going to be happy about the Commonwealth doing its thing to say the very least. On the other hand they will love the directed energy weapons and shields assuming that the Commonwealth is willing to sell them to anyone(if they did to anyone it would probably be the Alliance and they would be black box tech)
LittleMoonRock chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
I like this chapter, I look forward to more future chapters. For the Commonwealth of man!
Omeganian chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
Shepard working for Wolf Dragoons? Interesting.
Angery Katte chapter 1 . 11/15/2019
Shall the Fallen Empires or endgame crisis come into play at all? Not the Reapers, they're overdone.
Coment9 chapter 1 . 11/15/2019
Visually what does the CoM’s military equipment look like? (Ships, weapons, armour etc.)

And will we see the CoM in its prime further down the line?

And finally what’s the TOE of the commonwealth military?