Reviews for When the Sun Goes Down
Squkymun chapter 18 . 9/12
Great chapter. I’m assuming that Edward is disfigured in some way and thinks Bella is scared of him. Can’t wait for the next chapter! Thanks for sharing!
MinaRivera chapter 18 . 9/11
I'm hooked. Can't wait to read more.
Edward70 chapter 18 . 9/10
I’m still reading. Trying to figure out the hidden stuff; are they human or supernatural? What is he going to give her to “fix” her?
Nobody chapter 18 . 9/8
Still here, can't log in
Love more
Suzy-Chapstick chapter 18 . 9/9
You’re such a terrific writer. And when you describe how Bella’s feeling, I automatically feel it too. I feel so sorry for her!
prettymomma128 chapter 18 . 9/7
I'm reading. Great chapter!
Nissa-Cullen chapter 18 . 9/6
Hopefully the treatment will work and she’ll be able to start feeling better. What’s going on with Edward that he’s worried about what someone thinks about how he looks? Who are the girls?
Elawree chapter 18 . 9/6
Oh my gosh! So mysterious! I'm dying to know what happens next.
Guest chapter 18 . 9/3
Thank you for the update. Looking forward to future updates.
thank you chapter 18 . 9/3
still reading and loving it

thank you
Mom23xx chapter 18 . 9/5
Why did he run? What are they going to find?
princeselisa chapter 18 . 9/4
princeselisa chapter 9 . 9/4
lady1ace chapter 18 . 9/4
I am here - still reading and now i want to know - i need to know everything. Thank you
michal.gennaria chapter 18 . 9/4
I am reading and very much enjoying it !
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