Reviews for Bring Me to Life
anonMOS chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
Rot in Hell, you fucking cunt.
anonMOS chapter 20 . 12/10/2014
This was,,,, f*cking horrific. One of the most disgusting fanfics I've ever read, without a doubt. Having Sephiroth rape Yuffie was just gruesome and certainly your first big mistake was derailing his character into an evil but somewhat honorable warrior who only wishes to duel Cloud and show his supremacy into(what else?) a rapist who gleefeully violates Yuffie. I was disgusted and horrified by how realistic you made the situation and her reaction to it, and I would almost call that honesty respectful if you didn't decide he was just too cool to get what he deserves and have the man who loves her, who HEARD everything that had happened to her DECIDE TO NEGOTIATE!? Are you FUCKING kidding me? There is no way in any realm of reality that fight would've gone any other way than the rapist dying on Leon's sword. No. Fucking. Way. He would never, ever "negotiate" with the one who raped someone, let alone a loved one. I admit, to my shame, I kept reading, if only to see if he got what he deserved. Imagine my disappointment and horror when you not only played the one who brutalized Yuffie as a grumpy comic relief of sorts, but the end you had Aerith CRUSHING on the one who RAPED HER FRIEND. This honestly made me sick.
BandxGeek123321 chapter 25 . 8/8/2012
I'm not sure if you have written a sequel for this yet but HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YOU NEED TOO! Everyone I know keeps asking why I can't stop reading this! Because it's so freaking good! You my dear have an amazing talent and I would love to read more of it in a sequel!
RaiRai13 chapter 7 . 2/1/2011
*too lazy too log in*

While I was reading this, I was listening to Carolyn by black veil brides great song fitted nicely
EmoPrincess21 chapter 25 . 1/15/2011
One of the best
Allycat2090 chapter 25 . 3/16/2010
Awsome job! This story kept me on the edge of my seat! Good job!
Another great work from you! I'll be reading it soon. ;)
Daoiki chapter 23 . 5/15/2009
This is my favorite chapter...WHERE. IS. MY. SMUT. lol, just kidding just kidding! Ew, Sora/Riku is the nastiness, and I understand why you dislike the couple-their friggin best freinds! SoKai is THE SHIT! It is the bestlibestest couple in the world...hehehe, now I just sound like a retard on speed, I dunno...Pepsi just does that to the Piggy...
Daoiki chapter 22 . 5/15/2009
Aw, shut the hell up Riku XD you have huge ass feet too and you know it! I still love though, my smexy silver-haired bastard hottie... XD
Daoiki chapter 1 . 5/13/2009
Little.Miss.Oblivious chapter 25 . 11/18/2008
Holy crap I just managed to finish this! It took me about four days to do it but I finally finished it! God this story was a monster. But in my books that's a good thing since long stories and long chapters are so hard to find nowadays. -sighs and laments- Any who, this was such an awesome story! In short, thanks for posting! Oh and though 'happy endings' aren't really my thing, ole Squall definitely deserves a happy ending. ;)

Izzyv1o chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
wow. I like this already. but I'm feeling realy sad for Yuffie. How could anyone possibly schedule a wedding on her birthday and not even feel bad about it?

This was really well written, and this story has lots of potential. I think I'm gonna go on to the next chapter now!
Bryanna chapter 25 . 7/3/2008
That was really, really good.

I lol'd alot XD
RogueArrow chapter 25 . 8/31/2007
DUDE! AWESOME! LOL I loved this! It was awe-fucking-some! It's on my favorites and so are you! Sweet ass story, man! :D
ghostwolf chapter 25 . 6/19/2007
That was...WICKED AWESOME! I loved it so much, I've read probably over 200 stories, but yours is definitely my favorite of all time! You've really inspired me! I'll never forget a story like this, funny, romantic, dramatic, and...I can't even think of anything else to say, it blew my mind away. I'm really glad that the world has a writer like you in it!
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