Reviews for To Talk of Family
AnnaArtemisMoon chapter 2 . 1/12
A unique story, I like it ! It's interesting and I can't wait for next chapter ! It's pretty differente from usual fics here and shows Dudley in new light...hope you won't stop this !
Amu4ever chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
Great start! The idea is something new and I am very interested in seeing how this goes on. :-)

The German translations though...don't make much sense to be honest. Can't even tell, what you are trying to say.
Natsuyuuki chapter 2 . 12/13/2019
confusing but look like interesting...
Iii chapter 2 . 12/1/2019
Okay, so they do know about magic. Will Dudley handle having flames well, given his upbringing...on top of being a sky? He was always the leader of his gang.
Iii chapter 1 . 12/1/2019
What? Dudley is actually being included in a KID xover fic? And is becoming flame active? Possibly a sky, though green stripes. Bovinos colors are green then? He's also getting some character development. So this would be the end of book 4? Two emotionally wrought teens then. Have to wonder how the Bovino's will handle magic. especially if they are a tech family. Maybe the mafia is familiar with the wizarding world! It would explain the Arcobaleno familiars. Leon is totally magical. Wonder where this fic is in relation to KHR timeline.
MrsRegulusBlack123 chapter 1 . 11/29/2019
What an interesting first chapter, I love love love the concept of Dudley being the one with the unusual relatives for once.

Well, time to read chapter two! Thanks for writing :)
Mr.Heller chapter 2 . 11/22/2019
If green alluded to Lightning, then you missed the mark. Let's just say, there are quite a few reasons for why Harry-is-Skull stories are so widespread.
strdrgn chapter 2 . 11/20/2019
So Dudley is a sky? Was he harmonizing with Piers? Will Piers be back? Haary is A lightning? Or is it hiding his true color? Are either active?
SakuraKoi chapter 2 . 11/19/2019
Jostanos chapter 2 . 11/18/2019
Both Dudley and Harry still have family, but it is a family that neither one was expecting to have.
Dudley, now that things have been explained more thoroughly, feels more at ease, and, hopefully, at home with his extended family in Italy.

Harry? Well.. harry is not entirely used to the idea of family in Italy that _KNOWS_ what has been going on in the Magical world since he's been going to Hogwarts. ESPECIALLY what happened at the TWT! What may happen now? May Harry get used to living in Italy with his newly found extended family? may he go to school/magic school in Italy or go back to Hogwarts?
Iris D. Peverell chapter 1 . 11/18/2019
Your summary says that is petunia's grandparents, but your story implies Vernon's
Radiant Celestial Aura chapter 2 . 11/18/2019
Sweet! I just found this on a03, but now I can follow it here properly!

I really like this concept! It is new and unique!

For a while there I was like how is Dudley a sky, but then I realized that yes he was the leader of his gang... and piers just might have a fledgling guardian bond... now that I think about it. Anyways Dudley redemption fics are hard to come by and I'm really curious how this world will play out!
ragnarshadow chapter 1 . 11/11/2019
Dudley is the piers sky , never imagine . Harry is a lightning i imagine for the colours of the clothes . This would be a holiday from hogwarts? Other magics have flammes ?
Jostanos chapter 1 . 11/9/2019
I wonder what Harry was up to when he went off by himself at the Airport.
Did he notice someone from the Magical world that he thought may help him with his situation?
Did harry attempt to contact Dobby?
What may happen now to both Dudley and Harry now that they are in Italy?