Reviews for A Hero Rises
Guest chapter 29 . 6/11
I love this story don’t give up on it!
Rachel chapter 20 . 2/15
So glad you updated!I'm this mystery! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Rachel chapter 16 . 1/16
I like this chapter. A LOT. It increased my anxiety for the characters and made events seem more real. Can't wait for the next update!
Rachel chapter 15 . 1/12
Where is this story going? I have no idea what's coming next and that keeps me interested!
Is Jackie coming back? Seems weird that she is still gone, group dynamics.
Rachel chapter 14 . 1/2
After a woman is raped she is emotionally and mentally traumatized. Generally she suffers from PTSD, sometimes for her entire life.
These are glaring errors to have Donna act so unaffected, Red and Kitty not to notice she has been beaten, and Forman's lack of contrition and guilt (very common feelings for romantic partners to feel) especially since what happened to her is a direct result of his vigilantism.

You KNOW I love this story. I am a firm believer in constructive criticism.

I hope you feel better and your finals go well.

I look forward to the next update.
Rachel chapter 13 . 12/16/2019
That chapter was great! Thank you!
Poor Donna! That is horrible! Eric is kind of a bad ass! Will anyone else learn his secret?

Good luck on your finals!
Rachel chapter 12 . 12/8/2019
What! Omg! This is just getting better and better! How did they figure out it was Eric?
Rachel chapter 10 . 11/27/2019
This story is every comic book lover's dream come true! I read it to my husband, he's really enjoying it too!
Rachel chapter 8 . 11/22/2019
Love the story. Sorry you're sick. I hope you feel better soon!
Rachel chapter 7 . 11/16/2019
Loving how this story is coming along.
Rachel chapter 5 . 11/9/2019
This is so interesting and I can't wait to see how it comes along.
Rachel chapter 3 . 11/8/2019
Wow I really like this story's premise and beginning. Can't wait for more!