Reviews for A New Adventure Begins
Darien Fawkes chapter 44 . 8/30
Great to see that things are going well so far!

Kathryn, for the time being, seems to be sticking to her side of the deal and keeping to the conditions. I guess it's commendable at least that she seems to be sincere about wanting to do right by the baby and keep within the conditions Sarah and Kelly set her. Once the baby's born...that's another matter.

It's sad, but not unsurprising to hear that the baby may not be completely healthy. Between her lifestyle and everything else, the conditions aren't ideal, and while I'm sure that Sarah and Kelly are going to be able to cope with whatever comes their way, and are going to have more than plenty of help in the long run, it's got to be a real concern.

As for the sex of the baby, well, I'm sure Sarah and Kelly will tell the others in due course, but it's only natural they want to tell their family first. Hopefully Ben and Betty understand enough to wait until they're ready to share the news with the rest of their friends.
Darien Fawkes chapter 43 . 7/28
Well, there's some pretty strict, though entirely understandable conditions there, and so far Kathryn seems to be ready to go along with them. I really hope that remains to be the case, because she's not got a great track record with her kids, or keeping her word. But right now, everyone's got to play the game because the baby's the one that really is the innocent bystander in this crossfire.
Darien Fawkes chapter 42 . 7/21
Ravi was conned spectacularly, but he's clear on that, and he was willing to face the consequences of his actions. That speaks a lot to his character even if it doesn't quite repay his behaviour. Glad to hear his team is able to work through that with him, and thanks to that, hopefully that's one trick they're not going to be able to pull again.

Looks like Kelly and Sarah have made their decision. It's going to be life-changing, but they are strong enough to face just about any challenge together and this is no different. Here's wishing them well with the new family.
Darien Fawkes chapter 41 . 7/16
Well, Kelly is looking out for Ravi in a way. She has every right to be furious about what he did, but she did give him a chance to change his mind, and now she's arranging backup now she knows he's putting himself in danger. I am still fully sure that Ravi has hell to pay when all this comes to light, but for now, at least this should hopefully show him just how much everyone has his back.

The baby talk was cute, and it looks like Sarah's made a really big decision. We all knew Kelly was leaning in that direction, so it looks like they're starting that family a little sooner than expected, but then again they do have a pretty good support network around them.

The theme of support networks is extremely prevalent in this chapter, and I totally love it! Great work!
Darien Fawkes chapter 40 . 7/10
Oh, Ravi is going to have a whole lot to answer for when the others hear about this, regardless of whether he's onto something or not! It's not like Rangers can go around assaulting the civilian helpers or each other without consequences. If nothing else, I imagine his mom will want a few well chosen words...presuming he survives long enough once Sarah hears!

But as for Roxy, it's definitely a cruel game being played. He's taking a huge risk, and it has the real potential to blow up spectacularly for a lot of people! Here's hoping that Ravi gets through this, and he's man enough to take what is coming to him on the chin!
Darien Fawkes chapter 39 . 7/7
This is definitely torture for Ravi. Even without the drama of the breakup before she became an avatar, I don't think anyone would blame him for wanting to see hope that she can be reached without a major fight. But getting some veteran advice from Kelly is good too, because the whole relationship dynamic can definitely create a minefield.

I really hope Ravi can keep a level head in all this and not let his desire to see what he wants to see over-ride things and make him miss any warnings he would otherwise see.

Great to see two chapters out in one day! Great work on this!
Darien Fawkes chapter 38 . 7/7
Well, this is a new, dirty trick Roxy's planning to play. The avatars being based on Blaze and Roxy means they know essentially all they knew, both good and bad. I guess it's one of the reasons they're so dangerous, after all they already know most of the protocols, tactics and methods of Grid Battleforce, since they were them once. I just hope someone remembered to change passwords and access codes!

But this knowledge is almost more dangerous than any of that. Roxy has a pretty direct and deep connection to the Rangers, Ravi especially, and she has to know how much they are just hoping for something like this. It is an especially cruel card to play. Here's looking froward to seeing how it pans out. Great work.
Darien Fawkes chapter 37 . 7/1
Ben and Betty might not be the agony aunt and uncle that most would think of immediately, but it seems like they were the ones Sarah needed to hear.

I sincerely doubt many people ever have everything ideally planned out for having a family. But the fact that Sarah and Kelly both want kids is definitely a great first step. It most definitely isn't how or when they expected it, but if they want it, then I'm sure they would do their utmost to be the best parents they could be.

Zoey's bikes got a huge boost from the bad guys. I guess no advertising is bad right? Still, it's great for Zoey, not only because her idea was green-lit, but I'm sure this has helped immensely with her anxiety. It's a great result that should really help with her confidence. I know it's not a one-off cure, but a success like this is definitely great for her!

Great work!
Darien Fawkes chapter 36 . 6/28
That conversation went really well. It speaks highly to the strength of Sarah and Kelly's relationship that a conversation as loaded as that was something they could bring to the table and discuss.

Which bodes well with whatever they decide to do next. It looks like they've already talked about family, and by the sounds of it it's something that was on the cards for them at some point. It's obviously a lot earlier than either of them really intended, but then I'm sure there are many families that could say that completely honestly.

They've got a lot more to discuss that's for sure, but they're making progress with it, and while it's not a done deal yet, it does sound at least like Kelly is on board, which should help if Sarah does want to take on this role in the baby's life.

Great work.
Darien Fawkes chapter 35 . 6/23
Style, sometimes, is a lot more important than substance when it comes to selling things. While any good product can find a market eventually, Zoey doesn't really have the time to wait on 'eventually', so she really does need to find a good gimmick and fast.

Her mom being the one that wrote the story on Sarah is going to be awkward for Zoey. It's good to see that her friends don't blame her for her mom's story, but it's still got to be a little off-putting for her being in the middle of this. Especially since she can't exactly just explain the position it puts her in and ask her to stop.

Here's hoping Zoey figures out something.
Darien Fawkes chapter 34 . 5/30
Well, that was...something! Kathryn really does have a habit of causing a stir whenever she shows up, but this is definitely a whole new level of bombshell she just dropped in the room.

I don't recall right now if Sarah and Kelly ever discussed the issue of children. Since they're engaged, I'd imagine the subject has at least come up between them at some point, but there's definitely a huge difference between having it as a "some day" discussion and "OK, we've got a few months to decide" discussion.

I'm sure when Kelly speaks to Sarah this is going to be a pretty huge surprise to put it mildly. Great work!
Darien Fawkes chapter 33 . 5/8
Zoey's idea has made it a heck of a lot further than a lot of other ideas do in a political's actually been heard. I know with her anxiety it's got to be hard, near impossible for her to realise that but it really is far more than a lot of ideas ever manage.

A weeks' not a long time to get something like that off the ground. Heck, even some of the big companies with huge advertising campaigns will take weeks or even months to get things off the ground. But, opportunities don't come along all the time and it's up to the team to make the most of the time they have.

Great work.
Darien Fawkes chapter 32 . 5/8
It's always irritating when someone takes credit for your work...even if you are an evil robot hell-bent on taking over the world.

Roxy and Blaze have a plan. Up until now the Morph-X has been relatively contained, and security measures could be taken. Since it's now available wholesale to the public however, there's bound to be less difficulty actually getting hold of it.

Looks like Zoey's X-Bike plan has hit its first obstacle. Here's hoping the Rangers catch wind of this soon.
Darien Fawkes chapter 31 . 5/6
Kelly's working hard on this for sure. One issue with the media is that while they're meant to present the information and let people make up their own minds, it's written by people and people have their own biases towards the kind of story they like to tell. The sad fact is they have an audience they need to cater to and that makes it all too easy to decide on a story that sells as opposed to a story that's true, and if there's one thing that's definitely true it's that as much as people love a hero, they love to see a hero fall even more.

Kelly's going to present the side of Sarah's story that people aren't getting to see, and while I'm sure right now Sarah's probably not the biggest fan of the media (who could blame her?) she might just feel a little differently participating with a few pointers and a kinder take from Kelly.

Still, at least Sarah isn't letting it get to her too much. The time off sounds like something the Rangers could be looking for. It also could act as a welcome distraction for Sarah, and given the current climate, I'm sure that's got to be a good thing.

Great work.
Darien Fawkes chapter 30 . 5/4
The media is a powerful weapon, but like any weapon its power depends upon the intent of the one wielding it.

In an ideal world, the media would be used to hold those in positions of power to account, to ask difficult questions and make people think about the things being done by people who control large parts of their lives and wellbeing. But sometimes, it is used as a way to do the exact opposite and harm those who aren't doing anything wrong.

Kathryn has had little, if anything to do with Sarah's life and who she is, but sadly that part of the story is not what's being reported. Even if she was the one who raised Sarah, just because a person's parents turn out one way does not necessarily dictate how their kids turn out.

As for Kathryn, I am sure it's got to affect Sarah to hear she turned back to her old ways. As much as she doesn't want anything to do with Kathryn now, I'm also sure she didn't want to see her come to any harm.

I'm glad to see Kelly's coming to Sarah's defence. This is one battle she may be better equipped to deal with than Sarah. The pen and the sword and all that?

Great work on this.
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