Reviews for All Bets Are Off
Puddleduck85 chapter 27 . 6/6
I had reservations about this story with it being so different but having the same characters but I was hooked and really enjoyed it. Loved the twists and definitely one of the best I've read. Thank you
alixandria chapter 27 . 4/7
I hope Bella and Jacob get thei please and a healthy baby of their own please?
PastOneonta chapter 27 . 4/6
Wonderful news! Jake will be as engaged with Ness as always even after his biological child is born, he’s that good of a person. She was amazing. Advanced beyond her years! I thought Carlisle and Kate were cute, with a lot of potential. I’m very happy for Jake and Bella. Thanks for taking us into the future and their happiness.
corkykellems chapter 27 . 4/6
Awww..Finally looking forward to more Thanks
Taino Delsan13 chapter 27 . 4/5
Ooohhh they going have another baby or may be twins?
Goodness when the part Ness said poppy can fix your heart and vigina had me laughing so heard my family thought i was crazy especially when video chating with them.

Thank you for updating please stay safe
alixandria chapter 26 . 3/30
I'm glad Jacob and Bella finally get thei and little Jessie is there too. Can't ask for a better outcome for them both .
Obsessedreader83 chapter 26 . 3/30
Nice touch getting all the grandmas involved! That other plane sounded pretty nice too. Well written I thought, not too far fetched at all. Thanks.
corkykellems chapter 26 . 3/29
Very Sweet...Thanks
PastOneonta chapter 26 . 3/29
Welcome back! And we do care. So much is happening in the world.

This was great, and a sweet diversion. The vision was moving. Bella’s recovery and back to reality was amazing, I am so happy for her and Jake and Reneesmee Carlie. Last name Black, perfect.

Thanks for the chapter.
4Gracie04 chapter 26 . 3/29
Awesome chapter! I am so happy Bella and Renesme are ok! Bella's dream experience was amazing! She was given a gift to see her Mom again and to meet Esme and Sarah. Loved it!
Dr1zzy chapter 26 . 3/28
Good chapter
donna79 chapter 26 . 3/28
I love that she got to see all the moms. That was a really beautiful scene. I loved all of it.
Taino Delsan13 chapter 26 . 3/28
Scary but a beautiful moment that Bella got to meet Esme and got go see her mom , Sarah.

At least everyone believes her when she tell them what happened.

Thank you for updating and stay safe and thank you for being a teacher
FlowerGirl0817 chapter 26 . 3/28
Loved this chapter so much. I've missed this story! Your Jake and Bella are so great to read. Can't wait to read the last few chapters.
LesterWanted chapter 25 . 3/11
Please please please finish! Absolutely in love and on the edge of my seat.
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