Reviews for Naruto: The Rabbit Prince
Guest chapter 1 . 19h
I really do mean it, you should kill yourself. Just slit your throat open in front of your family.
Guest chapter 1 . 19h
Oh good... It's just another virgin simp author that should kill himself.
Your AN chapter 28 . 9/26
PS, no one else will have an answer for your AN because they don't want to comment on a sensitive subject like that. You probably will have backlash for bringing up Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in front of your audience, I'm not sure they'll comment though.
Your AN chapter 28 . 9/26
Well, that's simple, the world must revolve around Naruto and exist to suck him off at every turn. If Naruto is wrong about something in an argument he'll lose, he us still somehow right because people say so, and not apply any logic into it.

Instead of expanding the world past one character, they would rather give him the next power-up and woman in his (their) harem. They can't rely think past that point because thinking about anyone else is too much for them.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21
Will you please leave? I know you're a new writer and all, but every time you upload, I have to see something I don't want to see.

I didn't make it past the first chapter, but j shouldn't have to be left to handle someone who can't write or do anything but write their 'creative' ideas. I'm sorry, but if the first chapter us like this, and there's no Naruto, then I won't read it.

I looked on your profile, it looks like you like to cover things up. You use things like worshipping Naruto and not putting him first as an excuse.

No one will truly read your story, or become invested in it.
Guest chapter 27 . 9/5
"The user gather's crystal chakra into their palm and sends it into the ground, causing a path of spikes to emerge and destroy anything in its path. It's a good technique to use for both assault and the element of surprise if one is summoning one spike."

You might want to change the 'one' part for single. It would sound much better grammar-wise.
Glowfox00000 chapter 27 . 9/4
Oh hey! You updated early! You always did it on Saturdays, what changed?

I love the chapter, more and more information is coming in as it develops.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/2
Hang yourself from your intestines.
Killua chapter 26 . 8/15
I'd have to say Wind or Lightning due to Morrigan having a sexy and confident personality.
JumpatRandom chapter 26 . 8/15
Great chapter overall. It's a bit short though. If I had to guess Morrigan's chakra affinity, it would be fire at best due to certain attacks she has.
Glowfox00000 chapter 26 . 8/15
I like how Jon is becoming so concerned with the fact that Morrigan's returned; it's like a foreboding to a big story.
Guest chapter 26 . 8/15
I have to say, three weeks? You know what, that shouldn't matter.

I like how you portray Morrigan's character as someone that can be very gentle around children while also showing a case of responsibility regarding Makai since she's the Monarch there. I hope to see more of her Hedonistic traits and powers though.
Umbra Lycan chapter 25 . 7/27
looking forward to more chapters
Silvermane1 chapter 25 . 7/25
great update
AlxkendBlader chapter 25 . 7/25
Here comes Morrigan Aensland!
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