Reviews for Total Drama Island: Team remix
bruno14 chapter 9 . 8/7
Total Drama Island: Team Remix:
Interesting choice on making Izzy an intern, I think that I have not seen any other fic that has her as one so this gives your fic kudos for originality on that point. It also seems that Ezekiel is taking Beths route of Island, no surprise there, it seems that no matter what members of alliance Heathers got, one will always want to rebel first due to her attitude. Justin and Alejandro chasing each other and taking the scenes of Dj and Owen was a nice touch actually. Also awwwwws Ezekiel and Bridgette moment there, I liked that she was the one who supported Ezekiel into stepping out of the alliance.

YAS, I did not expect Noah and Trent to have Courtney and Duncans moment but I really like that it happened. There were a lot of couple moments this time around, Eva and Izzy kissed EEEEEE , *Cough* Sorry, had a Sadie and Katie moment for a bit. Also , Noah being the first one that finds about the things he is feelings towards Trent?, it kind of surprise me but at the same time it does not surprise me.

Awww men, I am sad to see Tyler gone. I mean, I know you said that there was not going to be AleTyler in this fic but I was kind of hoping to see more small moments of them like the one in earlier episodes XD. Also it seems that Heather is losing grip of Lindsay, not that I can be surprised by that either since Alejandro is clearly more smooth about his motives than Heather is.
DramaBuddy chapter 9 . 7/20
Poor Tyler. I'm glad he went out as a hero though! Better elimination than in canon...
Gucci Mane LaFlare chapter 9 . 7/19
Alejandro vs Justin was quite interesting.
I loved that Izzy was attempting to talk to Noah about his relationship with Trent even if it isn't official yet. Or even will be official.
She also probably surprised Eva when she kissed her too lol.
I feel like Alejandro will attempt to get Lindsay out of Heather's control to only get her under his own.
PrincessGumballWatterson777 chapter 1 . 7/19
Why isn't Beth in this?
Bridgekiel chapter 9 . 7/19
Sorry about your loss. Takes as much time as you need. We understand.

So Ezekiel is basically Beth in this. Although don't see him going next as Lindsay has the idol now.
Friendship and relationship are building up nicely. Great chapter.
Poor Tyler. Although his characters makes the most sense to get the bear.
bruno14 chapter 8 . 6/17
Heeeeello, Sorry for not having reviwed in a long time, but I finally caughted up with the fanfic. I like how things are going so far. I never tought I could ship Bridgette and Ezekiel nor Courtney and Cody, but you have me here; it is a little vit surprising that Noah is relazing that at least he is feeling something first rather than Trent who is still anoyinlingly hung up on Gwen.

And it seems that Justin is the fisrt big bad, ot at least someone who is willing to do all the moves to win. You are doing him better than Action so props for that. Anyways that's all see you in the next chapter!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/30
I hope next episode Ezekiel and Bridgette talk to each other and get to know each other.
Have interaction and get to know each other so I hope Ezekiel and Bridgette interact more.
Predicting Bridgette/Ezekiel and Al will be Alejandro will be deer or hunters.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/29
If we're picking Katie.
I disagree with Cody. I see him as a typical beta male simp incel nice guy to me.
Anyway still good.
LovelyLuly chapter 8 . 5/29
"Yeah well, what do You mean" suprisingly good"?... Ok só there should be a "by" after mean, as in "what do you mean by suprisingly good"? .

Also, based on Trody's conversation it would have sounded better if Cody said either "Thanks man... Wait, what do you mean by" suprisingly good"? Or "thanks, I... Wait what do you mean by" suprisingly good"?.

"Yeah well" makes it sound like he's braging a out his ability to give good advice wich is something Cody would never do : sure he brags about how he "can" get any girl he wants, he may brag a bit after achiving a high score on a videogame or getting a date but he would never brag about bis ability to give good advice. It Just dosen't sound like him: it sounds like Heather, Justin or Alejandro.

Treno's interactions on this chapter were sweet and as for Dj's Love interest... Honestly i'm neutral to both ships (and to Dj as a whole) so i don't care em ther way.
LovelyLuly chapter 7 . 5/29
Uh. I know Who it is. I hate her.
Bridgekiel chapter 8 . 5/29
I think I'll go with Katie for DJ.
Noah/Trent is good. I like Trent in this. He was a meh to me in canon.
I thought Geoff was going to go as he had nothing much going for him.
Looks like Tyler might get the bear attack.
Hope Bridgette keep her promise.
Gucci Mane LaFlare chapter 8 . 5/28
Justin is doing his job as a villain really well.
That prank from Duncan and Gwen at the end was pretty funny.
Yeah, Geoff didn't have too much going for him, not to say he's a bad character or anything though.
Good job on the chapter, I can't wait for the next one, this is still a really good story.
DramaBuddy chapter 8 . 5/28
This is really good!
Kamimoons chapter 8 . 5/28
DJ and Katie
Guy Buddy chapter 8 . 5/28
Justin's lapping everyone else's attempts at villainy, poor Ezekiel is slowly starting to win over Bridge, Alliances are setting themselves up in interesting ways, and the episode where a teen got viciously mauled is up next... I really hope Cody is luckier in this timeline than in the original.
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