Reviews for When I Wasn't There For You
Nesele Toulouse chapter 4 . 5/12
Just read through all the chapters and I'm really liking this story! It's sad, but optimistic. I'm anxious to see how Chandler is now that he's started waking up, and how he will re-adjust to the world having been in a coma for three months. I'll be watching for the next chapter!
Oldreruns chapter 4 . 5/8
Wow, what a turn of events here. The coffee with Richard, and him being a bit opportunistic were hard to read and made your skin crawl and you do a great job making us feel the sort of dizzy fog Monica is in, then the ending, which now will be sort of a cliffhanger, that's just icing on the top.
Dylan chapter 3 . 5/5
This story gives me chest pains and anxiety. WAKE UP! I’m gonna need his hospital bed at this rate!
Melissa Richards1 chapter 1 . 5/5
I so need to read more Friend Fics. and I love this one already. I hope Chandler didn't get shot. Amazing Chapter xD.
Oldreruns chapter 3 . 5/5
This is a very dark and somber chapter, but it has some twists and turns that keep you reading to see what will happen next.
MaddisonBea chapter 2 . 5/4
This story is written so well ugh i'm jealous! I cried the first time i read it (yes, i have read it more than once, it's just amazing)
Oldreruns chapter 2 . 5/4
This is a real logical next step, and seeing everyone react as joey gets informed is a painful read. You're really doing a good job with this. Looking forward to seeing how it progresses.
Oldreruns chapter 1 . 5/4
This is a wild start and a intriguing situation to put everyone in. I'm very curious to see where this goes. Its also very well written and has some great dialogue.
Mondler2017 chapter 1 . 1/30

My heartbeats rimging in my ears, I could hear it hammering wildly against my ribcage. This is legit giving me anxiety! What is going to happen? I'm so curious.


Its amazing! And you are exceptionally talented. I loved you wide choice of words, and the last line just made my hair strands stand in fright! Did he die? I hope not.

I'm gonna cry now. I love this. Well done!

(hoping u'd complete this, cuz I'm so looking forward to the next chappie...
sshott73 chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
want more but only if channel lives I don't want this to be a sad story
Boris Yeltsin chapter 1 . 10/19/2019
Love this so far. Will the others make appearances? Update it when you can.