Reviews for The Eostian War
Schniedragon88 chapter 8 . 7/28
I'm not entirely sure how I stumbled upon this story, but I have to say I'm really surprised at how much I'm enjoying it!

Watcha gonna do when the Greeky Christian Bois run wild on you!

Can't wait for more!
James317 chapter 8 . 6/30
The problem with the Black Dogs as antagonists is the sheer unsustainablility of their culture. They would constantly need a fresh supply of slaves and women to sustain their activities, especially since they tend to wear them out too quickly and to the death in some cases. Dogs go in a town of 300. Rape the 150 women. Enslave the 150 men. How do they replenish their soldiery for the next generation? Would the men born from rape be slaves or soldiers? How would it be determined? Would girls even live long enough to be able to reproduce? Or would they be raped to death as toddlers? Not to mention how many of those Enslaved women would be able to produce viable children. There’s a reason being rough with pregnant women isn’t recommended. And the Dogs don’t care about that either.

Unless Vault reins them in to leave young ones alone, then you could just fight completely defensively wait them out. Prevent them from getting fresh meat and in just 20-30 years in they won’t have enough soldiers to actually do anything.
Blaze1992 chapter 8 . 5/12
Kinda interesting but confused here, cause weren't the romans kinda similar to the black dogs since you know with their slaves and other BS?
Guest chapter 4 . 4/16
I have to say, I am impressed by the level of detail and effort put into this fic. Really nice! Will you be updating this and your Settra story? They're both really good!
wingofpain chapter 8 . 4/15
Interesting story, even though I don't know much about the Eastern Roman Empire apart that they tended to rely a bit too much on mercenaries bands.

I wonder if the "lack" of real armor in Eostia could be explained by the presence of Orc and the likes. Orcs are big and hit like a truck, wearing armor may do very little in term of protections against them, so it's better to be nimble and fast. So The Eostian soldiers choose to not wear armor in order to fight Orcs, Trolls, etc.

Or maybe it's just because it's a hentai.
Muda chapter 8 . 4/14
I hope you stay healthy. Corona's just lurking around the corner
Mad God 42 chapter 8 . 4/13
Ha! Seemingly ill-fitting soundtrack to accompany writing is no stranger to me. I once wrote drafts for my research paper with accompanying electro-swing in the background. Had me dancing while writing! Thanks for the chapter, but I noticed an error, "instil". There might be some other ones, but I can't find them. Finally, I read some of your responses to others and I appreciate that you want to make this as realistic as possible. Thanks for reading this.
Ekurman chapter 8 . 4/12
I'm so happy you updated this story! Will there be a blossoming love between Alicia and Markos? On another note, how are you doing? Things are crazy out there right now and I hope you're safe. Thanks for the update
Perseus12 chapter 8 . 4/12
Now Alicia see of her error and maybe she'll began to redeem her honor. I wonder for the Crusaders if by chance they'll meet Celestine and other Shield Princesses on Feoh? Still waiting the punishment of Beasley and his fellow conspirators for betraying Alicia and collaborating the Black Dogs? I wonder if there's some remnants of Dark Elven Army manage to escape from Vault's Black Dogs take over and headed south to the Alliance or the Crusaders for help? I wonder what happened to the Pink Princess Prim? I'll just wait to read the next chapter.
Janny092 chapter 8 . 4/12
Love how Logical Alicia is thinking even though so much has happen in one week timeframe, and now we also see Byzantines training Feoh natives on how to become real professional heavy infantry that are meant to hold the line and break the enemies back. Hope to see more reaction of all of the factions in eostia to Byzantines arrival.
Xboxgorgo18 chapter 7 . 4/12
Wait, how are the Earth troops going to replenish their army? Are there going to be more units summoned from Earth?
Stoneman303 chapter 7 . 2/20
Oooof, love the story mate.

Found this and your Settra one and I so am glad for all the enjoyment they have given me.
Highly enjoyable and I like your choice in the kingdom of the Holy Eastern Roman Empire.
Good mix of units, cultures and detail in the chain of command.
Also very good battle from multiple viewpoints, I felt like it was both easy and enjoyable to follow.
From Franks, to Byzantines, Black Dogs all the way to the Iris Knight defenders.
And of course the official introduction of the "Romaoi" to one of the princess knights.

Can't wait for more.
Keep up the good work-
carbon1923 chapter 7 . 2/18
Always good to see a story where Vault gets his plans wrecked. Always good to see a ROME story. Even better to see the two combined.
kyro2009 chapter 7 . 2/11
Another very good chapter. I can only guess that Vult intends to capture the city of mercenaries. That kingdom will definitely be taken more quickly with the mercs quickly joining his ranks behind the walls. With gathered numbers becoming even bigger than the 20,000 that invaded Feoh, this may or may not be too much for a strategos to handle, unless he uses the map of the kingdom and the terrain to his advantage. This is just my guess, since I’ve seen this scenario multiple times from other crossovers where the city becomes impossible to take back. How the next princess knight will be rescued is up to you, but I’m certain it will be quite the tale to tell. If you’d like talk of strategy, I’d be more than willing to talk about it.
Ekurman chapter 7 . 1/12
cool story
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