Reviews for Choosing Weakness
Xxser3ndipityxX chapter 28 . 6/21
Well, well, well! Me thinks I already know what that special announcement entails considering I caught a glimpse of a companion story! Looks like this blond classmate of Kurama's is the protagonist of that story. Yay! I'm excited to read!

And woah..this story sounds like an interesting one! She's not even human? ? I'm guessing she's totally unaware of that based on her behavior. I'm gonna love reading the background on that. Kurama probably ended up sensing that she isn't human.

Dang, I like how you can tell that there's a companion fic to this. It's obvious that there's bits of information completely gone unintroduced, like there's a previous chapter you forgot to read.

Geez, it sounds like she just...became a demon. Yeah, I'm gonna enjoy this companion fic! Kinda hope the events of the two stories end up merging closely. It'd be even more excuse to keep up with both of them.

Hmmmmm! She came at Kurama with the utmost of sass right from her introduction but I am liking this character already! Her personality seems kinda fun actually. Screw it, I'm definitely hopping on over to the companion fic after this for sure.

It seems like Hotaru and Kurama had no idea whether or not she was malicious or dangerous based on how on guard they were till Tokagemaru's personality started to shine through. Man, this character might already be a winner.

Lol Kurama is just annoyed by her while Hotaru is continuously amused, likely because Kurama is annoyed. That's quite the dynamic. She and Kurama must already have a history.

Oh man, is Tokagemaru about to start getting dragged into the Spirit Detective endeavors? Cuz that'd be amazeballs.

Huh...I wonder if the ending to that dream was a manifestation of Hotaru's own guilt that may be slowly starting to seep in at this point.

Careful, Hotaru, you MIGHT actually become genuine friends with Keiko...and we wouldn't want THAT, would we? _ The two of them are actually quite alike when you stop to think about it, in their connection to Yusuke AND in how they don't really fit with the rest of the crowd inwardly.

It's interesting to hear that Keiko won't be shafted off to the sidelines like she was canonically. That's gonna be interesting to see play out.
Damaged Forest Spirit chapter 28 . 6/16
I got so excited when I saw that you posted another chapter. I really do love this story so much! I hope your foot is doing better. That sounded really painful . Anywhooo... I love how you wrote Keiko. I think it fits her better. I can't wait to read more soon.
Kirk chapter 27 . 6/2
Omg whats happening at Kurama's school?! Why do you leave such cliffhangers?its 9am and ive been reading since midnight. I keep telling myself "stop reading, you need sleep cause of class in two days at this exact time!" But... I just couldnt stop reading lmao. I adore hotaru and her callous honesty, I love reading about an oc so true to themselves (while also not being true). She's so fascinating to read, I really enjoy characters that are not great people but are trying to get better. And Hotaru is a great example, she's actually worse than the ones I usually see, which makes it all the more interesting to read about. Anyway im way too tired to give a better review than this lmao I really enjoyed reading everything so far. Mad to think we aren't even at the four saint beasts yet, im so excited for the huge amount of content left :D
Xxser3ndipityxX chapter 27 . 5/15
Oh darnit, you big fibber! Spring IS dead, you just tricked us! ! .

The world lore Kurama drops concerning the nature of spirit energies is fascinating and seems to fit right into canon. The inhabitants of Demon world do often align to a particular element. So it's because their energies are inherit. The elemental affinity is probably an adaptation that stems from their guaranteed presence of energies.

Interesting developments with Kurama's pov. I suppose you could blame it on Hotaru's pull over him, but he also struck me as having a rather prominent sway towards humanity. So I'm not surprised he actually IS interested in genuine friendship.
Xxser3ndipityxX chapter 26 . 5/15
Hm. I wonder if that creature within Hotaru kept pets while it was still living in the Demon world. But no, it reacted personally to the animal's death. I venture a guess that it knew that particular creature personally, like Hotaru said. I guess it wound up with a new master.

Interesting that she's revisiting the forest from Genkai's test. We see that forest for a second canonically then it's never brought up or seen again. Come to think of it, it makes me wonder why there are demons living on this side of the barrier. I mean sure they're probably weak enough to slip through it, but Genkai almost talks about them like they've been there all along. Since ancient times. Makes me wonder if they're there because they've been there since before the barrier was erected and were just allowed to remain.

Dude, that's an interesting turn. So because Kurama's true form is a fox, Hotaru tends to hold a similar magnetic sway over him as she does with animals in general. Oo...I hope that doesn't get harry..

Omg, SPRING IS ALIVE! Whaaat?! Dude, I'm actually glad there's another chapter so I can immediately see how. YES! xD
Damaged Forest Spirit chapter 27 . 5/6
Wonderful story!
Nickname-chan chapter 26 . 4/20
Well damn. Finally found another unique piece of a YYH fanfic. Thank you for this.
Damaged Forest Spirit chapter 26 . 4/16
LOL! I love how you described Hotaru's and Yusuke's friendship. She's like a dog waiting for her human to come home. I also love how she and Kurama interact with each other. Is Spring really back? I hope so. I loved Spring. I hope to read more soon.
Xxser3ndipityxX chapter 25 . 4/15
Long time no update! Even though I'm still a chapter

For some reason, I'm not actually so grossed out by all the gore in the beginning. Maybe it's because it doesn't actually depict the brutal deaths of these animals? Like, it's horrendous but it's post-death? I dunno.

Still, though. That description of their fear knowing death was coming is just hard to swallow.

FINALLY get to see more of the conversation she had with Genkai! It's actually rather surprising Hotaru thinks this entity could be reasoned with. As a being that has influenced her to commit evil time and time again and utterly BLOCKS any hope she couls have of positive human enotions, it seems apparent that such a creature would want nothing less than destruction and chaos. I'm with Genkai on this one.

Also, attaboy, Kuwabara. So he fully realizes there's something plaguing Hotaru inside now. Ah, I'm glad that he's clued in on the issue now. I feel like this allows us to go forward without risk of Kuwabara blaming Hotaru for issues pertaining to her morality issues if he knows there's a legitimate cause of it all. A force getting in the way.

Somewhere deep inside Hotaru is a good girl. For her to be able to sink down to such a low percentage of morality yet still yearn within herself to know how it is to be good...That locked away goodness must be prominent to be able to shine through despite everything, even if only a little bit.

And speaking of the entity, oh man...I was NOT expecting for it...HER to possess Hotaru over something like that. Dude, I really wish we could understand what the heck it's saying in this language. She was anguished over the death of the dog? Why? Why would the dog's death trigger her and not, say, the demon wolf from Genkai's forest? ... I'm starting to suspect she has something to do with Hotaru's odd affinity towards animals.
asclepia chapter 26 . 4/15
omg the wolves i’m turning into a crybaby when it comes to the animals in this fic
Yona0 chapter 20 . 4/14
Amazing chapter. I'd wondered how aware Kazuma was with his sensitivity. I loved seeing his memories and how he's processing Hotaru's changes. I really enjoy how natural this story feels especially.
Yona0 chapter 14 . 4/13
Omfg, I love how amorally accepting Yusuke is, its why he's one of the best characters. I can't wait to see the future dynamics between Hotaru and Hiei...if any?
Yona0 chapter 2 . 4/12
I really like this so far. I have a thing for apathetic, somewhat messed up characters especially when they begin to find people who make them feel differently. Hmm, she feels a bit OP, at least to the extent that Koenma fears her existence. I'm curious how Kurama and Hiei will react. I don't predict nicely, and I'm salivating at the thought if how she's gonna fuck up canon.

Horaru's relationship with Kazuma is freaking adorable, by the way.
Pelawen Night chapter 25 . 3/28
Im hooked. i cant wait for more. love the fae details in this story
Pelawen Night chapter 8 . 3/24
love it
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