Reviews for with you
RoseShower chapter 6 . 8/11
I love this story. And I like that Violet is realistically resentful. It's just sad that she can't give Clementine another chance. Ah, but then again, it's fair and unfair. Lovely story.
Supernova1219 chapter 5 . 7/30
Beautiful relationship building from the perspective of our esteemed groom-to-be is always a great thing to see! These two are clearly meant for each other, what with all these outrageous dreams and fantasies they have. You know, Clem might not be able to get that mansion in all its proper glory in the real world, but she might just be able to get an apple tree. Hell, I'm sure there are some seeds or SOMETHING around someplace. Now THAT would be an incredible wedding gift I think.
Supernova1219 chapter 4 . 7/29
Well, isnt this a pleasant surprise! I remember checking this story out once upon a time but I dont fully remember where it got to before it got remade. I would just like to say that I really like how well you captured the personalities of all of the characters and have begun fleshing them out in new ways. It definitely makes this a much more interesting read when everyone is in proper character.

On the subject of Clem's proposal-in-progress, I think its incredibly cute how she is gonna be the one doing the proposing. You'd think a girly girl like Clem would want to be proposed TO. But if were being honest...Clem being the one to do it is kinda fitting, dontcha think? I mean, a badass like that HAS to take charge! But on a more serious note, I really hope that Mitch has a plan to get her a new ring of some sort...while he may be a standoffish ass-hat sometimes, it's clear he cares about everyone and doesnt want to disappoint Clem, not with how much this means to her.

I also wanted to just mention how funny i found it that right after Mitch starts telling Clem how it's okay to elope before marriage and that she shouldn't care about what people may say, she just starts goin' to town on Louis the same night. Not that that's wrong or anything of course, but it's almost like it got the gears turning in her head or something lol! Guess she aint so oblivious now, hmm? And of course, to top it all off, now Willy's seen them in action. I'm sure he's gonna haul off and let that little piece of info slip at the dinner table some time!

And now, we're just awaiting Mitchs latest bits of news about our Heroine's special gift! This story has definitely drawn me back in, and I cant really wait to see where you take things. Seeing Clem deal with some of these more old-world, adult-life type things that she thought she would never get a chance at is always heartwarming to see, especially when it's written so well! Good luck on your work, and keep safe!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/22
This is really good! I hope you continue it