Reviews for The Little Merman
Demonic Weasel chapter 4 . 2/24
The only possible downside to this fic is the nagging sense of it's incompleteness, but that aside, there's a lot to like here. In what is essentially a straight retelling of the movie, you manage to tease out a lot of nice visual details (and actually I think you do a particularly good job of using details of sound, here and there, to make the read more immersive) and you're using a colorful cast of characters with traces of their independent personalities intact, even if that's a secondary concern for you.

Two things that are particularly nice about this version of the story is that, unlike a lot of authors who genderbend the source material, you actually explore the social norms of gender roles a little bit, rather than just having the flipped gender try to speak for itself. The other particularly intriguing innovation here is that you've had Lila stay as woman, whereas the typical genderbending convention is to change the antagonist to match the protagonists's gender. Admittedly, in the absence of any further chapters, this doesn't do much, but it does strike me as an interesting approach to your commentary on gender roles, because Lila would very much be performing "woman" in this case, and, probably because you track closely to the movie anyway, she would be performing as overtly sexy, at least up to a point. Which is fascinating given the fact that Marc is simply not about that.

While I would love to see what you might do with that possibility in the future, this is still a pleasant read up to the point it gets in its own right.
LaViolaViolaRosa chapter 4 . 12/30/2019
Oh snap!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/27/2019
Please update soon! I want to know how it ends!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/21/2019
Yess! Finally! Sorry, been waiting to read this! Please I want more! I want to know what will happen! I want to read more of your masterpiece of a story!
EAVMJSC chapter 1 . 10/4/2019
I feel like this was inspired by this video, but I could be wrong, either way, looking forward to this story
