Reviews for Intro to Criminology
MULTIMEDIAMAN chapter 1 . 7/23
This was hilarious and stupid and amazing.

I love it.
roting-CORPSE chapter 1 . 6/21
how come this doesn't get more reviews and favs? this shit is dope!.
LordOwl chapter 1 . 3/19
This was great! Shame it was short, but it was a delicious morsel of Saturday cartoon villainy.
QearyCurmudgeon chapter 1 . 11/26/2019
So they essentially take over the world in about a month, than want to give it up, DESPITE doing a better job than Ozzie's cabal or the corrupt councils?

Yeah, I'm with Ren on that one. F*ck that noise and just keep on trucking. "It's for the Greater Good). ;-P
Obsidian Nova Arc chapter 1 . 11/1/2019
Ozpin is in the cage so he can be poked with sticks or run away from paper work
Otherguy14 chapter 1 . 10/15/2019
That's not where I thought this was going.
Kalbario chapter 1 . 9/29/2019
I can see it! I can see it happening.
M1903A4 chapter 1 . 9/29/2019
Eh. Not enough Jaune masterminding the downfall of the competition. I give it a 3/5.