Reviews for Lady Boros, Dominator Of The Heart
Xd'nt chapter 19 . 7/21
So good
thehappy chapter 19 . 7/12
I have to admit, this is a very entertaining story. I'm glad I read it and hope for more!
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 19 . 7/9
uPdAtE.. UpDaTe.. upDaTE! please, hurry up and update this story! tho, take your times as much you can. consider this just has small part of the canon, well kinda.. lol
.. in the meantime, i'll just read your other stories.v but tbh, i excited for this one instead, lolmao UwU

but goddammit! Boros turned into a maiden now isn't she? :v congrats Saitama! you've conquer the conqueror! lolol
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 18 . 7/9
wowzers! i can't believe you'll made Saitama learn Bang's martial arts... if only Saitama would agreed tho... i'm not gonna complaining at all! i like the idea of it! if that's why you made Genos became Boros' disciple instead of Saitama's, then...

btw, Saitama reaction is so priceless and understandable! lolmao, and he is a man of culture! this is nice!
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 17 . 7/8
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 15 . 7/8
wow! so H.A. is basically ran by a bunch of idiots but a few were decent... and that's right! Saitama is just too great as a person, ...i just hope things will escalate differently than that from the canon which is why i already fond of this story, ooof! but man, i thought he was going to use his Serious Series or something. well, anyway...
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 13 . 7/8
what did i say?! improvising! ...i fucking love it!

...andthe idea of Genos became Boros disciple was intrigued me to no end, this is so awesome!
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 11 . 7/7
...hmmm. tho, i kinda like the idea of Lady Boros turning full Yandere and like over-protective of Saitama. UwU that would be enjoyable,
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 11 . 7/7
wow! improvising... i love it!
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 8 . 6/25
dammit! never in my fantasies have i ever wanting to seeing Fem!Boros in a black dress so bad like now! we need an illustration for this, A.S.A.P ! lol, and whooop... the Dominator actually want to be Dominated i see,ʖ͠)
dammit man, you are my new favorite Writers now!

...oh and btw, now that the 2 staff from Association knew his strength, would Saitama got a different rank i wonder when he is joined the Association?, lol
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 7 . 6/25
mmhhhmmm... mmmhhhmmmMmmm...
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 6 . 6/25
i never even think, and imagine that cutie Genderbend Boros could be this... well, cute! xD man you really are awesome! enjoying this fics even more!,
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 5 . 6/24
lolmao!, you has a weird sense of humor man... i love this shiet!, nice ones..
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 2 . 6/24
houuuuhh boii... i think i'm liking this!~ followed for now,
Rice with Chest-Nuts chapter 1 . 6/24
holy shiet! look what i found... this could be interesting, let's see~
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