Reviews for Gaming of the Bow Antihero
RandomCoolGuy chapter 6 . 7/23
no offense but i like this one much more than the other one, i mean it is as unique as your other story in different aspects. Like starting before the plot and having a respawn system. i hope you re-continue this one.
Kenrio chapter 1 . 5/10
So he can revive ? Sorry but why are you make a fanfic again? With only this you destroyed the history
Guest chapter 1 . 3/14
What you just described was a nominal hero, byronic if you squint. Antihero in itself is whole other thing
impeccablesin chapter 6 . 2/15
It would be nice to see this one continued honestly. It's a completely different start and take from the usual story, as opposed to most.
Uday Sra chapter 6 . 1/23
Kuroi-Ryu-San chapter 5 . 1/17
Pfft... Sexcalibur hahaha
MaveriKat chapter 6 . 10/31/2019
Too bad, this was off to a great start. But at least you're being honest with yourself and the fans.
Azaira chapter 5 . 10/31/2019
If I remember correctly, adding demi parts to a legendary weapon also increases the stat growth modifier - I.E. Hair/Eggshells. If he is taking the effort to enhance the slave version, why not do so when in the perfect location? He could buy various hair clippings of various demi types(feathers? Fur? Hair? Scales? Whatever...) from the slave merchant for a cheap price, which would likely match or surpass what the slave version does. Quick, easy, practically effortless, and puts his party ahead of the curve.

This could probably be done for humans too, but meh.

(I also don't see how such an obvious idea would be missed, though that's just me)
Shadowpawzzz chapter 6 . 10/31/2019
Wow just as it was getting good...
setokayba2n chapter 6 . 10/31/2019
So... You don't like the bow and change to spear... What if you get bored again and decide to change to the sword or decide to just be fifth hero with 'the staff' or 'The Axe' or 'The hero of machinegun'?
Lq840i chapter 6 . 10/31/2019
Here I was hoping for an op protagonist and that rising of the shield hero was gonna be a stepping stone before the nasuverse and dxd and was hoping for byakko to appear but if you don’t want to write a stomp fic I understand
OechsnerC chapter 1 . 10/31/2019
I really hope you continue this and other story. Also I hope that he has the same slave girl in this story as next story.
Guest chapter 6 . 10/31/2019
There is a side manga where the spear hero goes back in time to help the shield hero
Rivzed chapter 6 . 10/31/2019
What a classy move.
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