Reviews for Broken Bond
im was bored chapter 1 . 2/8
The only thing wrong with the story is the numbers of people in the beginning of the story in the van. their was 11 loud member that want to the grocery store lily and Lynn Sr stayed home in the episode. You should of had said 10 people were in the van after Lincoln runaway not 12 and 9 of the loud sister not 11.
Anthony Staffenhagen chapter 1 . 1/15
I like how you took real episodes that had nothing to do with each other and thought of a clever way to tie them together.
cabgrant chapter 1 . 11/10/2019
Why didn't Rita ground Lynn Jr. for letting Lincoln convince her to play for him.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
A few grammatical errors, but this was a nice story overall.
transmetaljohn chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
This was a nice little one shot. The actions of the characters make sense considering the circumstances they were under, and nobody really comes across as unlikable. I didn't realize how little mother and son bonding stories both in the show and fandom for Rita and Lincoln until you mentioned it. Only real complaint is that there was some awkward grammar at times that sounds strange to an English speaker.

By the way, I would have replied to your PM; but when I attempted to, it said the recipient's inbox was full.
K.C. Ellison chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
Sauerkraut is cabbage fermented with lactic acid-producing bacteria. The name comes from the German words for “sour” and “herb/cabbage.” During World War I, sauerkraut was renamed “liberty cabbage” in the United States because of concerns that the public wouldn’t buy products with German-sounding names.
Shaeril McBrown chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
What have you done Rita this is what happens you slapped your son lives are ruined!
Tristen chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
Great job man