Reviews for Rise or Fall
Guest chapter 66 . 6/27
So beautiful this chapter was.

I look forward to the story when they will have a baby.

Please write more chapters of the crossover story with Cinderella of Beauty And The Beast now too.

I really want to read more of that story too.
SunStar706 chapter 66 . 6/27
Well that certainly is the end of an era. It was a good end though, just like the finale of The Middle [Whispers] The middle [Un whisper] Such a good ending, I can't wait to find out what happens, because they are so lovely together (And what's going to happen with Legolas and Arwen? I know most of your stories center around Alasse, but I really want to know what happens with Legolas and Arwen).
Guest chapter 65 . 6/26
So wonderful this chapter was as always.

I look forward to the next chapter.

Will you after this story write more chapters of the crossover story with Cinderella of Beauty And The Beast? Please.
SunStar706 chapter 65 . 6/26
One chapter left. I'm going to feel like I did when I finished binge watching 'The Middle' for the first time.
Back to the 'one chapter left' thing. I do hope it's an epilogue. I love epilogues. I don't ever really liked the story much, just the epilogue. I never actually liked the Lord of the Rings books at all; they are quite the monotone, yet I still like the story. I think that not liking the physical book might have something to do with the fact that I accidently left The Return of the King in front of the girl's toilets in fifth grade, and it took me three weeks to get it back (The same thing happened with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, but someone had the decency to take it to the lost and found).
I still like the more mental and videographic storylines. I like how Tolkien filled the universe in, there were no gaps in the ages, and things. I try to reflect that in my non-fanfiction work (I'm currently working on two high fantasies- one with two humanoid creatures that go on an adventure and one with a young prince that becomes king and finishes his father's work of leading his army in a war).
I can't wait to read the next chapter.#
Guest chapter 64 . 6/25
How wonderful this chapter was.

I look forward to the wedding chapter.

Will you please write more chapters of the crossover story with Cinderella of Beauty And The Beast after this story? I beg you.
SunStar706 chapter 63 . 6/20
That's kind of sad, Bard dying and all. He lived longer than he did in the books, and all that. But Alasse's speechy thing was really well written.
Okay, I'll stop blabbering (I really want to finish watching The Two Towers (I'm sure you approve) because I'm watching the movies in a fairly chronological order and I want to see The Return of the King. I'm up to The Battle of the Hornburg)
JulsaIthil chapter 62 . 6/4
Damn, I should have checked my inbox ages ago now it's crammed. And now I'm reading what could possibly be the ending of a story that I greatly enjoyed! Ughhh. I wish I could have been here all the way, feeling the tension in the cliffiws and that humour near the end! I really love that's part where Thranduil is oblivious about Legolas and Arwen. And Gimli and Alasse teasing Legolas!
Guest chapter 62 . 6/3
Very good chapter as always.

I really like it.
SunStar706 chapter 62 . 6/3
Five minutes. Elrond really must have been shocked. I find it impossible to stay silent for five minutes. Except when I'm asleep, but I can say that I think even that's not true. I probably can when I'm working on a sudoku puzzle or something of that elk. I mean ilk. Blasted autocorrect.
I laughed so hard at the 38th, 39th, and 40th paragraphs. I could never imagine Gimli missing Thranduil. I can't imagine Thranduil missing Gimli either, but I don't think he misses him...
Guest chapter 61 . 6/1
How wonderful this chapter was with Arwen and Legolas.

I look forward to more of this story.

I really want Alasse and Aragorn's wedding to be at the end of this story.

But it's up to you since it's your story to write.

Please write more chapters of the crossover story with Cinderella of Beauty And The Beast now.
SunStar706 chapter 61 . 6/1
Wow, this is getting long... We're on number 61...
I don't mind, I love the story, it's so... Lovely, ironically enough.
When Alasse says 'That's because our heads have something in them' (Paragraph 30) or something very similar, that's from Prince Caspian, right? When the Pevensies are walking through the woods with the DLF and Peter and Edmund are complaining about girls not being able to carry a map in their heads (Which is entirely not true, as I spend half my life biking around my neighborhood, and I have never gotten lost once, whether where I am is familiar territory or not (Yes, I am a girl) and I don't use a map).
Anyway, I think you definitely rocked the Legolas/Arwen romance in this chapter, it really... inflamed their relationship.
It was spectacular.
Guest chapter 60 . 5/28
Ahhhh, how sweet. Legolas are in love. ;)

Great chapter as always.

Please write more chapters of the crossover story with Cinderella of Beauty And The Beast now.
SunStar706 chapter 60 . 5/28
I sure hope Legolas isn't sailing. The only thing I can't stand about book canon is Legolas being BFFs with Gimli and hauling him off to the blasted havens and leaving Arwen and Aragorn behind. It's ridiculously absurd. I don't know how Tolkien could stand it (Aragorn was originally a hobbit, and I don't know how he could stand that either, but he did, so...).
I actually noticed the sixty chapter thing- Mortal Wounds ; 13 chapters, and then you have the million and a half (1500000) chapter sequel...
Great chapter...
Guest chapter 59 . 5/22
Great chapter as always.

I look forward to when Alasse and Aragorn are together again.

Will you now write more chapters of the crossover story with Cinderella of Beauty And The Beast? I so long to read more of that story.

I beg you, please write more chapters of that story now.
SunStar706 chapter 59 . 5/22
These blasted crepes!
I really like Estel and Elrohir scenes, they're so incredibly cute.
Why am I constantly making crepes? I don't do it everyday...
I think this chapter was so sweet. It was funny, too, just the perfect mix.
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