Reviews for Different song, Same singer
xan-merrick chapter 45 . 7/20
As always really enjoyed the new chapter and can't wait for more
Lady Octarina chapter 45 . 7/16
Wow, so he did manage to get inside a madman's mind to figure out his plan! Good for Jae and for Bloodraven for training him so well! I hope Brankardix managed to burn every last piece of Euron; I get the feeling he's the kind of creature that could grow back from a single fingertip left around, such a nightmare lol

Poor Shireen, that's definitely not the kind of thing little kids should have to experience...

Yay, Valyrian steel on the way to mas production, or the medieval-ish version of that, at least!
dnrcpc1 chapter 45 . 7/16
Thanks for writing this story the way that I’ve always wanted to read it!
Svenion chapter 45 . 7/14
hope he let's someone know of all the wealth he had to leave behind
Master Pivot chapter 45 . 7/14
I've been reading your stories since about when The Dragon Cub had ONLY 65 chapters. They are each so different and unique, and such fun to read. I sometimes gotta wonder how you keep the four story lines straight.

I have just one minor quibble for this chapter. Perhaps I misread it, but... Why the Conan the barbarian style sword forging? Swords are not forged like that. A forged blade is created by heating the metal and pounding it into shape. A sword made from molten (liquid-like) metal in a mold will be of infinitely inferior quality in comparison. But, a I said, a minor quibble.

I look forward to each new chapter of each of your stories. Thank you for providing a moment of light in our dark times.
xand007 chapter 45 . 7/14
Aaaand the Kraken King bites the big one :)
A really enjoyable chapter,well written and engrossing. Tales not only from battle but also from those that serve at home.
I didn't think the dragon horn would work after all if it did it would have been used before now.
The horn that brings down the wall though (Gabriel's?) that I believe works which is why it was so well hidden.
Just the great war now and good will fall with bad as with all wars.

Remember the rules and keep safe.
Indypindy chapter 8 . 7/13
so good. always a pleasure reading your work. thank you.
ace123 chapter 45 . 7/13
i love your story. How about having a few chapters where he just stays put. Maybe rule and help with King's Landing reconstruction. i feel that every chapter he goes somewhere and he leaves his family behind.
Guest chapter 45 . 7/13
Loved it! Glad it was just work that kept you from your Monday update last week. This was an appropriate end for Euron since I hate everything about that horn. I don't for one second believe it would really work but I guess we'll find out in the future if George ever finishes another book. As always one of my favorite parts was Doran's POV. I love that he's not a dick like in your other stories and not only can he walk freely again but he has a new outlook on life. I just really enjoyed reading it. I'm looking forward to next weeks chapter! Keep it up! Can't wait for more!
Vwchick chapter 45 . 7/13
Very fitting end for Euron. Loved the chapter! Thank you so much!
Princess of Greenwood2 chapter 45 . 7/13
Write more soon please. Love it.
orthankg1 chapter 45 . 7/13
Great chapter, but why burn the ship? When it comes to a guy like Euron, you want to parade his ship/dead body through the streets so no one can doubt he is DEAD. And besides, could have salvaged the rest of the treasure.
VFSNAKE chapter 45 . 7/13
Euron was an idiot. He clearly didn’t think things through or was truly deluded in believing it. Poor Shireen. She is seeing not everything is wondrous we it in books.
jessicanightmarewolf chapter 45 . 7/13
My inner looter says take everything, Jae not doing so hurt... all that stuff...gone...

Great chapter as always and keep up the good work!
Qul chapter 45 . 7/13
Wonderful chapter Author I loved how this chapter ended
looking forward to the next one.
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