Reviews for A New Beginning
kadee son 12345 chapter 20 . 7/25
Really great story hope you update soon!
cheyenneelynch2 chapter 20 . 7/7
Can’t wait to read more. I love this story. I can’t wait to read when Seth, Leah, and Jake come more into the story.
cloudshadow22 chapter 19 . 6/23
Enjoying the story, but your spelling of "leach" felt wrong to me so I looked it up - "The verb leach means to empty, drain, or remove. The noun leech refers to a bloodsucking worm or to a person who preys on or clings to another. As a verb, leech means to bleed with leeches or to act as a parasite." Thought you'd like to know.
Koinaka chapter 20 . 6/1
Lovely! I can’t wait to see Jacob’s reaction when he phases and imprints. Fanfiction authors on previous story have his reaction be so varied that I can never guess!
Twin68 chapter 20 . 5/30
My god I love this story! And I love my boys, especially Paul he has always been my favorite wolf. Til next time friend
seraphina987 chapter 20 . 5/30
Love this story and can't wait to read more.
originalanonymouse chapter 20 . 5/29
This was amazing. You are amazing. Please keep writing! It’s one of my fav stories and I get so excited when I see an update!
Em2234 chapter 19 . 5/11
Oh my god, this is like my fanfiction imprint. I've been looking for this story my whole life. You hooked me in ch.1 and its only gotten better! The smut is hot af, the fluff is perfection. Not to mention Jilly! Everything i ever wanted, shes not a skeleton like Bella, shes not perfect, she anxious and real and I love her. Im so fucking excited! I cannot put all of my love for every single bit of this into words. I CANNOT wait to read more. I love you, I really do. Im getting emotional worrying about when jake imprints but also excited and scared. Can't wait to read through her pregnancy as well! I loooooooovvvveeeee youuuuuu xxxx
LAWDgivemestrength chapter 19 . 4/18
Alright! Twins! I love it!
RebornRose1992 chapter 19 . 4/16
Omg! I love your story!
electrogirl88 chapter 19 . 4/15
I can't wait to see what happens when Jacob phases. Great job! Can't wait for more:D
Sting3 chapter 2 . 4/12
Whoa! Good chapter! They’re fighting! Wonder what’s gonna happen next
Sting3 chapter 1 . 4/12
Good start! Looking forward to reading more, thanks!
electrogirl88 chapter 18 . 4/5
This is an interesting story so far. Can't wait to see what happens next and hope you update again soon :D
Sparkles66 chapter 17 . 2/22
I've been so behind on everything I'm reading right now I just reread from the beginning and I'm completely obsessed! GREAT JOB!
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