Reviews for The Avenger's Titan
KaijuMaster19 chapter 6 . 7/2
When do Prince of the Monsters gets wings from his hybrid human mother Dragon
KaijuMaster19 chapter 5 . 5/11
The Son of King of the Monsters has awakened
Guest chapter 5 . 4/13
Nice job so far. I also liked it how you prevented coulson’s “death”.
raikun29 chapter 5 . 3/26
The big fight is coming up, and I am hyped becuse of this fun and exciting chapter. Take the time you need to make the best version of this scene you can. It will be well worth it, and we can wait.

Ian runnning with Nat and being scared of Hulk (a monster of science, an unatural creature) is fitting. It was pretty brave of him to stand up to Hulk, until big bro Thor arrived to beat up that big green bully.

Thor taking time to give young Ian pointers on how to fight better will definetly come in handy later in the story and in the future (HYDRA, Ultron, especially Ultron) Plus I wonder, would Mjolnir budge if Ian tried, and would it be tough enough to stub Godzilla's toes (does he has toes in 2014, I don't really remember).

Loki is real trash, a true vilain. and we love him for it. Beating up kids and animals is very uncool. It's also good that Coulson survived, as Ian was clearly the bigger threat. Maybe he'll play a bigger part later.

But Loki kicking Ian down shows that he FEARS Ian. The Kid is a potential disaster just waiting to happen. Maybe a certain purple, genocidal maniac will also notice. Until big Daddy-G arrives and stomps that would-be god in his place.
raikun29 chapter 4 . 3/26
Ian being innocent is totally a plus. Questions about weed, human expressions and what are flying monkeys are fun to read about.
Him asking Thor what is war in particular has a lot of potential.
It's an idea that is alien to animals, except Kaijus. Godzilla will surely see the Asguardians as a bunch of savages pretending to be superior, like Thor said. They just have bigger guns. It's also the humans, with their wars and weapons that first rose him from his millenia-long sleep. Dropping nukes on Godzilla definetly didn't make him think good stuff about us. For multiple reasons.

(Ghidorah and the MUTOS, maybe Kong's species waged war against the Big G's species. That's one reason why Godzilla is the only one left. Look the credits of King Of The Monsters for lore and background.) It's cool for Thor to offer Ian to teach him how to fight. That way, he may take his first steps into becoming the defender of the planet like Gojira.

Maybe we'll see the Heir to planet Earth (Ian, since's his dad is THE KING) come to Asgard and see for himself what it's like to travel on a rainbow across the stars.

The roar is always welcomed to change the atmosphere. A good touch. A good chapter overall. Keep up the good work.
rubeneliasrivera chapter 5 . 3/26
I was wondering if in the future for the story if you could make it where Tony makes a suit of Armour for Ian. I found a perfect example that someone made its called GODzArmour. It's a godzilla armor designed of of Legendary Godzilla from KOTM
gabrielamartinez199 chapter 5 . 3/18
Follow please
Guest chapter 4 . 3/13
Can we a fight between Ian and Thor and hulk?
Guest chapter 4 . 3/9
Please update soon
Guest chapter 4 . 2/22
I hope godzilla will come to reunite with his son Ian and team up with the avengers against Loki and the Chitauri forces.
raven2327 chapter 4 . 2/11
another good novel will i will add this one too looking for more :)
raikun29 chapter 3 . 2/8
Good chapter. I like that in his fights with Loki and Thor, they both surpass him because of their superior experience. It's also pretty cool that Point-break is aware of Ian's raw power. The lighting not working on Ian is a nice touch, as Showa Godzilla was only vulnerable to man-made electricity. Fun fact: he also gained magnetic powers after spending a night absorbing lighting strikes form a strom and used this power to defeat MechaGodzilla. Maybe you could include that in the future. Just a suggestion, keep up the good work.
raikun29 chapter 2 . 2/8
Like how the kid's so innocent, complimenting Nat, pouting that he didn't get to swim, asking Coulson why he would watch Steve sleeping. Plus it was a big reveal when Ian explained his story, with Fury knowing about MONARCH, and being a friend of Serizawa. Also, he's got WINGS! WINGS! Where does that comes from? Oh well, Godzilla spontaniously mutate, so it would make sense Ian would have this trait. You could have handled Ian explaining his back story better, but you're new to this so it's alright. Plus you probably want to focus on character interactions, which is good. Keep it up.
raikun29 chapter 1 . 2/8
Love the arrival of Ian and his introduction to Steve. Plus, did you knew that in the comics, Steve Roger adopted a kid while trapped in an other dimension and named him Ian, after his grandda (I think). Plus Nick is definetly suspicious. Since you know, he keeps tabs on everyone and everything. Plus it's awesome to see the kid's reaction to Steve's story, really shows just how isolated he has been. Keep it up, it's a good introduction.
gabrielamartinez199 chapter 4 . 2/6
Follow please
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