Reviews for Cross My Heart
skyeryder01 chapter 24 . 10/4
Absolutely loved this! I hope you enjoy writing again some day! Don't let the muggles get you down.
snapify52 chapter 24 . 9/15
This story made my day! So sweet, with wonderful, snappy, fun pacing. Thanks a bunch for writing and sharing it!
cadalabicious chapter 22 . 9/7
*Do you take Visa?* hahahahahahha
I loved it! Absolutely loved it.
I can always rely on Dramione to fix my mood. Thank you!
LostInAGoodBook chapter 24 . 8/26
That was such a lovely story-thank you for writing and sharing it. I hope you get your love of writing back.
Chalice13 chapter 24 . 8/23
Thank you, thank you, thank you for finishing the story. I am so sorry you've been trolled, especially when your stories are so delightful, but if it's time, it's time, and health problems are no joke. Good luck to you in the future, and if you get the urge in the future to grace us with a story or two don't feel you have to fight it.
Stay well, stay safe.
Clio chapter 24 . 8/15
Thanks for wrinting this lovely story. So sorry for the nasty comments of the trolls that have pushed you to go on hiatus.

I hope you are feeling better now. Stay healthy.

Greetings from Venezuela.
Yurika-hime937 chapter 24 . 8/10
This was such a wonderful read. It only fueled my dream to tour the world, not so alive right now because of what the world's going through, but this made it burn anewThank you!
Guest chapter 24 . 8/6
I loved this! So cute!
buriedromance chapter 24 . 7/28
Thank you so much for this story and hope you can continue it later!
HollyGlen chapter 24 . 7/27
This was so lovely and I’m sad it’s over! The moment when they confessed their love for eachother was the best. Well done, that was a beautiful retelling of The Blue Castle!

As for the negative reviews, I’m so sorry that’s been happening and I totally understand your desire to step away for a bit. Thank you for finishing this beautiful story before you did so, and I hope your break gives you the peace you need right now.
riversgirl75 chapter 24 . 7/25
I’m so happy I found this hilarious, romantic, heart-wrenching fic! I love it! You are truly talented. No one would blame you for choosing to move past the fanfic culture and into original works. You’re awesome!
Now I’m going to go back and read everything else you’ve written. Lucky me!
I hope you’re well and handling the pandemic and your personal health with patience and strength. Best wishes!
kimbclar chapter 24 . 7/22
Anonymous Guava chapter 24 . 7/10
Hey, I'm not a troll or anything, and I really enjoyed your story. Don't stop writing!
SweetSwizzle614 chapter 24 . 7/8
That was such a beautiful story
ehlara1 chapter 1 . 7/6
I'm not sure I can find the words to express my total and complete love for this story. The Blue Castle has been my favourite book for 30 years and you translated it into the HP universe so beautifully. The AU aspect allowed my qualms about Hermione as Valancey to slip away quicklyI was worried that the meekness wouldn't suit but loved the way it faded and she blossomed under Draco/Barney's lessons about seizing opportunities and living life to the fullest.

I've always loved the book's message about finding redemption within yourself as well as within a lover's regardyou did this so, so we'll and I absolutely adore it. Thank you!
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